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The Night Mask Plans - Shar's Allies

Main Goals:
  • The Night Masks are trying to further Shar’s plan of bringing the Shadow Plane into the Realms to plung the Realms into eternal darkness.
  • With permanent darkness, the leaders of the Night Masks will be rulers over humanity with out fear of humanity using their weakness, light, against them.
Main Plans:
  • The Night Masks were tasked to find the location of the Grandfather Tree as the organization had experience with pools of radiance and the former Guardian of the Grandfather Tree Chael.
  • The Night Masks employed the Darkstriders to find mystical creatures to bring them to their undercover operation at Frederick’s Marvelous Carnivals of Wonders as they were looking for Iris.
  • The Night Masks was looking for the new Guardian of the Grandfather Tree (Cora).
  • The Night Masks have employed a blighted defiler to hunt down the Guardian of the Grandfather Tree to obtain the knowledge she knows and to drain the Grandfather Tree.
  • The blighted defiler has a history with the Tealeafs.
  • The Nigh Masks were also using the Frederick’s Marvelous Carnivals of Wonder to find the only relative of Chael who has memories of Chael and the location of his final resting place (Mazel Analith).
  • The Night Masks were trying to locate Chael final resting place to discern the location of the Book of Selu'taar.
  • The Night Masks was given possession of the Alchemist (Thea Tealeaf) to develop components the Church of Cyric and Church of Shar needs to complete their objectives.
  • The Night Masks are locating and smuggling pools of radiance.
  • The Night Masks were working with the Zhentarim in Waterdeep.  The base of operation was at Kolat Tower.
  • The Night Masks were behind the attempt to kidnap Cora Tealeaf at the coronation ball.
  • The Night Masks assassins targeted several members of the Masked Lords including Mirt killing four of the Mask Lords using some type of strange poison created by Thea Tealeaf.
  • The Night Masks is working with an operative of Cyric for an undiscovered purpose.



Cora Tealeaf (Main)

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