Maymoth Species in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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The Maymoth is a species of beast found in the Fae Realm known for it's diversity of final forms. The species starts as regular, if more intelligent, moths that range in size from tiny to 30cm.
As they grow the Maymoth diversifies through no definable criteria, other than seemingly it's own decision, into either a moth equal in size to an elf or some form of moth-beast hybrid. Some examples of this include cats with moth attributes, moths with equine forms. There is even myths in the Southern Territories of a Maymoth taking dragon form.
The Maymoth have a particularly desired ability that makes them coveted as familiars by the Ash Folk. This is the ability to show a Fae what they have seen by sitting directly on the eyeball. The older Maymoth show their handlers by touching their antennae to the eye instead.
However cultivating Maymoths into familiars is a tricky process achieved by few and attempted by less due to the time and effort involved.
Maymoths typically live in nests spun from their own silk. Up to hundreds of Maymoths can live in one nest depending on the size. There are recorded instances of nests spanning for miles and housing many grown Maymoths and Maymoth variations.

Basic Information


Despite the range of variations a Maymoth can have, all of its possible forms share similar features including a moth's wings, fur and antennae.   
Depending on their variations, the lifespan of the Maymoth can vary from 60 - 150 years.

Genetics and Reproduction

The reproductive process is the same for all Maymoths. This is because all the Moths lay their eggs before they go on to evolve.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Maymoth begins to vary its form as it ages. Its evolved form can span from larger versions of its younger form to moth-beast hybrids. They can begin to vary forms from as early as 1 year old to 10 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

The Maymoths prefer trees and forests but not jungles habitats. They build nests out of their silk, spanning it across trees and blocking entry. The nests can be home to up to hundreds of moths and their older variations.
The Ash Folk have been known to cultivate entire nests in their forests.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Varies depending on variations, purpose and handlers.

Biological Cycle

The Maymoth are sluggish in the cold seasons when especially when they are young and have not developed any variation that might offer protection from the cold.

Additional Information


The Maymoth have occasionally been tamed as familiars by the Ash Folk although the process is difficult and strenuous and as such rarely done. The Forest Folk like to befriend Maymoths they encounter but retain them only as companions rather than familiars.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The silk produced by the Maymoths to build their nests is a highly valuable resource used to spin bolts of silk to luxurious it can only be bought by the most wealthy of any Court.
The Fae regard finding an abandoned nest as an incredibly lucky find as they can sell the silk for high profit.
In the same vein, the Ash Folk regard finding any nest small enough to pillage the same way. After doing so they will loot not only the silk but the Maymoth carcasses as well. The uses of these vary from preserving young Maymoths as accessories, to harvesting the bodies for their wings and fur to use in expensive and rare clothing.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Maymoths are found in the Forests of Eldemur and in the Southern Territories and there is one nest in the Fog Forest in the Crystal Spires.

Average Intelligence

Maymoths are intelligent creatures. They are not sentient but they have enough intellect to take and follow orders once bound as familiars. Depending on their later variations some are smarter than others.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Maymoth can share sights, senses and scenes that they have witnessed with a Fae they have a close bond with. They do this by either sitting directly on the Fae's eyeball or by touching antenna to the eye. By doing this the Fae can experience the scene that the Moth shares as if the Fae was present themselves.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

There is a myth about a Maymoth taking on a dragon form, something never witnessed in reality. The myth goes that the Maymoth dragon form protected a village from being destroyed by a volcanic eruption before retreating into the forests where is remains hidden in a large, unfound nest.
60 - 150 years
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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