The Lower Lands Geographic Location in The Flying Flux | World Anvil

The Lower Lands

A forestland takes up the inner half, whilst the outer Lowlands consist of simple towns and farmland. These scattered homesteads only see the sun when it runs perpendicular to the planet itself and appears only in thin rays through the treetops. An unpleasant home, but one that most famous heroes hold dear to their hearts and reflect upon moments before death.
Ah, but to be home... I wish for some memory of childhood in my old age, however, they have all been carried with time. What Chazos wouldn't give to know the Lowlands as I, and the jealousy of them who's life is lost in their dusk-lit fields. - Passage from Lowlander (a famous Lowland epic)
No one really understands the last part, but some historians believe he was talking about Fillin, the night-prowler.


An extensive line of trees makes up the side nearer to the sun, but further towards the Outlands are marshlands and great plains depending on where you are. The furthest point is typically drawn at the lower Stillwater River, but some inhabitants will claim some of the land beyond as "Lowland territory".

To be entirely honest, it's not the sort of place where someone might go to visit. Don't misunderstand, there are many spectacles to see here, but the dangerous gangs, animals, and plant life make it nearly uninhabitable. Only the poorest Fluxers are forced into the slums and most who are will die of disease or hunger before the year is up. While the previously mentioned quote spoke of this place endearingly, specific memories were lost or even rejected entirely.

Fauna & Flora

Plants grow everywhere in the Lowlands. From tree-bound mosses to the intelligent Murii people, just about any plant is able to flourish in this land of a million soils. Such prime conditions allow massive industries to capitalize on the combination of cheap labor and a powerful supply of food. Most natural edibles are grown in the Lowlands.

Natural Resources

An uncountable number of strong young men and women, each self-trained in various combat styles that make them finely tuned warriors. In an attempt to escape, they will sell themselves and become gladiators or monster hunters for the all-too-willing Highlanders. They are considered to be the Lowlands' most valuable natural resource.

A close second happens to be the hallucinogen made from Outland ice, which is what most mages use to "explore" the Law of Perception without logical restraints.





  • Rhompar
    This Lowland country employs most residential Lowland Fluxers.
  • Augua
    A small country near Flux's Axis.
Alternative Name(s)
They are also called the "Lowlands". There are various other names for it, but most shouldn't be spoken in good company.
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