"The Keeper" Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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"The Keeper"

The Keeper aka Lucien aka Granny's boyfriend is probably a friend we've just not smoothed a misunderstanding with yet.   The Keeper appears to be an undead Elf , with understanding of Elven Technology . They have been known to traverse the Portal Network, and appear to have possessions at one of the locations with a portal in.   From the Elven Propaganda found in Aglarond, The Glittering Chambers it appears the Elves had an organisation at Cerin Gul which references "Keepers of the Dead". This is possibly the location with a portal. Also close to where La Marais de Champignons (Qwyn's home) is suspected to be.   They appear to be a powerful spellcaster, easily besting our strongest 2 party members with very little concern. (Note from D.A. - Keeper confirmed to be able to cast a spell similar but not the same as Dimension Door, a fourth level spell)   Speculation that they were the one who corrupted the Elven Burial Stele. (Note from D.A. - any proof for this assertion?)   They showed a contempt and wariness when it came to Dalitar's blade Thorn and/or his Shadowdance, commenting that it was a repeat of past mistakes. (Note from D.A - implication that they either were 'living' at the time of the Elven war or that they have knowledge of records of the time?)   The Keeper appears to have control over some ‘basic’ undead servants (note from D.A. - categorised thus because they seemed to be following a set of simple instructions, but still far beyond our capabilities afaik) who guard their sanctum.   They had a cauldron of ‘potion’ being tended by an Unseen Servant spell, which Dal took a sample of and the Keeper was very Unhappy about it being touched. This has proven to be a potion created to bind a Shadow to the body of its owner, an enhancement potion of some kind whereby the imbiber is empowered by the power of their own Shadow. This is similar but not the same as the potion created during Dalitar's research, which only strengthened the link between him and his Shadow.   Also notable was their interest in different kinds of magic, and the fact they found Moonlight Through Rain's intriguing enough to keep her alive to study, though the implication was that they wanted to take it for themself - which we can probably use to assert that they are a Wizard, the curio collector of the spell casting world.  

Keepers' Duties

  Aboleth/Father's account of Keepers (seems more of a profession than name):
"Keepers treasure things. They maintain them. They are nothing to do with me. They are elves. And keep to their secret ways. Until I take them."
With the dead so revered in The Empire of Coraar 'ath Revaar, it is plausible that Keepers tend to the dead, gain their secrets, and ensure their safety. In the Map of Davokar, Ael Nurnan/Stone City of Bardh notes:
Those living here are dour and treat their roles as seriously as possible, bureaucracy for the dead never ends.
While Cerin Gul all but confirms that it is a profession:
Training tower for the Keepers of the Dead, the mystics who tend to the lost and ensure their memories and knowledge are passed properly to the Dreaming and never forgotten.
What's interesting is whether The Keeper we know and love/hate is the last ancient elf, how they survived, and what they know of The Loss.   According to Granny,
He helps the living move on to the dead.
Current Location


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