Crystal of Purity a.k.a. The Orb Item in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Crystal of Purity a.k.a. The Orb

A mysterious magical artifact discovered in Axarpetyr's Hoard. A sky blue crystaline orb crafted by Elves and modified by another later on in its lifetime.  

Magical Attributes:

Identified as Transmutation, Abjuration, Necromancy magic. Holds corruption via unknown means.  
"The Orb seems to be related to Shadowdancing, and the original use was to hold a Shadow, though why is unclear. My current iteration of Shadowdancing does not require a displacement or seperation of shadow, nor do I see a use for it, though more research may uncover an explanation.   Layers of magic have been applied to change its purpose to hold Corruption instead, approximately two centuries ago and over an extended period of time, a year, at first guess. The magic has been slowly and subtley applied to make the adjustment in a way that speaks of knowledge and arcane finesse. It is safe to assume that this change was enacted after the Corruption Event to give the object a new use. This begs the question - who was powerful enough and determined enough to modify such a potent item while Corruption was a risk?"
— Notes from Dalitar's journal
  Since Dalitar's initial research, the original purpose of the Orb has become clearer (though not completely), along with its 'relationship' with Shadowdancing. It holds many, many 'pieces' of Shadow (as viewed by Goldriver, along with a pool of Corruption. The Shadows seem to contain the memories of many ancient Elves from The Empire of Coraar 'ath Revaar, but whether the intention was to store memories for archiving and sharing, or to store Shadow for an unknown purpose is unclear. The first memory seen implied that it was stored on purpose for another person to access.    The Shadows held within it are free of Corruption and vibrantly colourful, and the memories include the below:  
  • A memory of walking through Tintariel, Garden of Light (location not named but assumed from context) watching elven children playing, which sounded as though it had been gifted to a loved one in rememberance of time spent together before leaving this world.
  • A memory of a flight over Tharbaduin, Gateway to the Forest on a giant eagle as an elven mother with her child.
  • A memory of Gil'lornomin, Progress Engine seen from afar as its creator/mastermind with a colleague(?) who exulted the power and progress achieved by the project over the last few hundred years.
  • A memory of meeting a Harengon family as their old elven friend, presumably in The Dreabig
These memories were accessed by accident by Dalitar while quite drunk, staring closely into it late at night. It can only be assumed that he will try to recreate this again.  
Notably, when I relayed my assumed purpose for the Orb and tried to explain to Goldriver the value of storing valuable information and memory, giving the example of a Master Craftsman storing his knowledge so that one could access it and learn from them, they didn't take it very positively at all. In fact, I'd say the idea made them more angry that I've ever seen before. Goldriver shows no animosity to the above memories or the Orb itself though, so one can only assume that the example struck a nerve. I should probably watch myself next time we converse, I know I do sometimes have a habit of letting my thoughts run away from me, straight out of my mouth and onwards into trouble.   Bart is giving me that look again. I think I better cross out the word 'sometimes'.
— Dalitar's journal notes


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