Shadows Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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A Shadow is something akin to a soul, an aura around any living creature.  

Accepted facts

  • Humanoids have more colourful Shadows than animals, who have more muted tones.
  • The colours on a persons Shadow can vary greatly from one person to another. (Theory - these represent memories or experience, as the good memories in The Orb were very colourful - D.A.)
  • Goldriver's Shadow has a bright light like a sun in it.
  • Qwyn's Shadow is made up of many other Shadows stitched together magically.
  • Oksana Bosko's Shadow became frayed after a long stay in the Afterlife. (Player Theory - Shadows are tied to memories as those in the Afterlife have little memory of their time there and lose their memories of life while they are there - K)
  • Shadows attract Corruption through various means, including evil behaviour (sin?), spellcasting and high levels of ambient Corruption can simply infect a Shadow.
  • The Orb has fragments of ancient elven Shadows inside it, not whole ones. They include memories, though whether this is intentional or a side effect is unclear.
  • The Orbs were also used by The Empire of Coraar 'ath Revaar to power arcane machines.
  • A Shadow persists beyond death as one would expect a soul to. (Source, Goldriver and Dalitar using Shadowsight to see the ghosts in AC)
  • The Empire Elves expected that upon death their souls, (or 'Memories and Delights', both words have been used) would be returned to the Dreaming, and their bodies would be sent to the 'great lake'

Related abilities

  • Shadowsight - also used to view ghosts in the Waking world.
  • Shadowdancing - creating a stronger/closer bond with your Shadow can help augment some abilities.


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