

Kellogs is the astute celestial familiar of Jensen Astria-Wagner who manifests himself in the form of a hawk.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Kellogs shares a psychic link with his master, allowing the two to perceive the world through eachother's senses.   Thanks to his celestial nature and strong bond with Jensen, Kellogs can sometimes perform a healing burst, using holy magic to reinvigorate his master and his nearby allies. This ability is taxing, however, the bird familliar cannot use this ability too often.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kellogs was summoned by Jensen in 1468, soon after his enrolement at Novus School for Wizards using a spell scroll for an emotional support familliar.   Kellogs continued travelling with Jensen when he joined the Hat Gang, during this time their bond has grown considerably stronger, and Kellogs has gained several useful skills, such as his healing burst. After the incident at Thundertree, Kellogs was charged with guarding Boston's Wedding Ring, as the bird could easily fly out of the fighter's reach.   Kellogs was slain by a Will-o'-Wisp outside the Dragon Barrow, leaving Mr. Squirrel to look after the ring. As a familliar spirit, death is only a temporary setback for Kellogs, Jensen re-summoned him on the way back to Phandalin.

Gender Identity

Current Status
23 years since first summoning
Date of Birth
25th of Marpenoth 1468
Date of Death
10th of Nightal 1491 (He's fine now)
Circumstances of Birth
Summoned via Find Familliar Spell Scroll
Novus School for Wizards
(feathers) Green, Blue, and Red
18 inches
Aligned Organization

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