Jensen Astria-Wagner

Jensen Astria-Wagner

Jensen Wagner is a Dragonborn divination wizard and druid of stars. At the age of 6, his parents were presumably killed by goblins of the Cragmaw Tribe. Few villagers survived the attack but Jensen and his sister, Hatari, were protected by their Uncle Ravonaar. the two siblings were raised by their uncle who trained Jensen as a Wizard and Hatari as a Monk before sending them both to their respective school/monastery at 11. Jensen trained as a wizard throught his earlyer years but, more recently, his fascination with stars led him to become a druid.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Although his draconic hide grants some protection, he otherwise has somewhat weak defenses, meaning Jensen can go down easily if he takes enough damage, which is why he prefers to fight from the back line. What he lacs in physical strength, jensen makes up for with mental fortitude.

Special abilities

Jensen's most powerful ability is his precognition, he can occasionally see a few moments into the future, allowing him to gain the upper hand against an opponent or dodge a deadly attack. His divination powers also make him a great strategist and problem solver.   His dragonborn haritage also grants him an icy breath weapon and in addition to wizardry, Jensen has access to druidic magic, his starry Form can be used for potent healing or to attack at range.   He knows many spells, both arcane and primal, including a spell of his own design, known as Jensen’s Thunderwave, a variation on the Thunderwave spell that unleashes lightning an an area around the caster. Hideous Laughter and Sleep can both be used to immobilize foes, and Ray of Frost can slow them, allowing Jensen to maintain distance from enemies. If cornered, Jensen will attempt to stun his opponent with a shocking grasp and retreat to a more advantageous position.   Some of his spells can even help with academic matters, like Identify and Comprehend Languages.   His druidic powers grant him access to powerful magic like Moonbeam and Call Lightning, as well as potent healing spells Cure Wounds and Healing Word.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears a purple tunic with his spellbook strapped on his right side of hid belt, the tunic drops down below the belt the symbol of Kereska in a darker purple with the bottom rim of the tunic in that same dark purple. Over this tunic he wears a large blue coat with fluff around the hood and the central lining on it, the edge of the sleeves have a turquoise rim. He also wears a necklace around his neck with a blue and silver pendant. Around parts of his legs, feet, hands and horns he has bandages and on his left horn there's an amethyst crystal that is wrapped and attached with a bandage.

Specialized Equipment

Jensen wears a Hat of Wizardry, which can be used to cast any cantrip, although there is a risk of failure. nevertheless, the hat gives Jensen some extra versatility.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jensen was born in the discreet dragonborn village of Uaiss on the 21st Eleint, 1457. At the age of 6, his parents were presumably killed as goblins of the Cragmaw Tribe attacked the village. Few villagers survived the attack but Jensen and his sister, Hatari, were protected by their Uncle Ravonaar . the two siblings were raised by their uncle who trained Jensen as a Wizard and Hatari as a Monk before sending them both to their respective school/monastery at 11, with jensen ending up at the Novus School for Wizards. Despite performing exceptionally well, Jensen left Novus at the age of 18.   The next year in Neverwinter, Jensen joined an adventuring party known as the "Disfunctional Elves," but they split up after an argument. He later found work at a library within the city, reconecting with a techer from his school. It is here where he began his studies into astronomy and the Astral Planes. After 3 years of working in the library, Jensen returned to his uncle at Ravonaar Ranch.   One day, while travelling near Phandalin, Jensen was attacked by goblins, seemingly of the same tribe which attacked his hometown all those years ago, and was saved by Boston Bornes. The two spent some time at the Stonehill Inn before the taking a job from a miner named Gundren Rockseeker to escort his supplies out of town along with several other adventurers, including Elarnya and Nissany. Suddenly confronted by his past, Jensen found himself finally confronting the Cragmaw goblins, beginning a series of events that would ultimately lead to the forming of the Hat Gang.




Jensen was sent to the Novus School for Wizards in Neverwinter when he was 11.   Jensen was bullied in school for using an orb instead of a wand as wands were considered cool, he was also told that tiamat was going to come back and destroy his friends and family. He was eventually bullied out of school at 15. Jensen was already smart so he was basically at graduation level. He went to the libraries in Neverwinter regularly and studied there, sometimes joined by Ravonaar.


Religious Views

Jensen mostly follows Kereska, the Chaotic Neutral Intermediate Deity of magic, dragon magic and magical creativity. Jensen also enjoys reading and learning about other deities.

Hobbies & Pets

He has a Hawk familiar called Kellogs. Jensen has had Kellogs before in school under the form of a cat as the school saw jensen as a nervous chiold that could do with a emotional support familiar cast from a scroll, this form of Kellogs lived until just before Jensen met Boston where it was killed by goblins.   Jensen has a hobby of simply doodling, his speelbook is full of little sketchess of constellations and small diagrams of what spells look like.


when speaking draconic he speaks with a mix of the Aklave and the Torilian dialect as his family is a mix with his mums side originating from a different continent and his fathers side from Faerûn.   Jensen when speaking common mostly speaks in a polite tone with a slight crackle in his voice.

dragonborn wizard. big brain, likes stars

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Adventuring with the Hat Gang
Date of Birth
21st Eleint 1457
Uaiss (Icewind Dale/Spine of the world)
Dark Navy Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Related Reports
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Druidic
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