Brethoche (BREH-thoch)

During the War of the Six, in service of the Host of Selephise of the Violet Accord Brethoche was initially sent to torment one of the Chaplains at the Temple at Willowbreak Field as part of a larger scheme to corrupt the Pact of the Blessèd's “holy houses” under the instructions of Xa'aroch.   After their initial target died from the Bitter Hand, the war ended, and Brethoche received no further instructions from a missing Xa'aroch, they then took an interest in the newly-arrived Isaia and took up their task again for lack of any other purpose. As the Temple grew quieter, both of their convictions to being repulsed by the other grew into friendship and wry respect for the others’ ways, even if Isaia must keep their friendship secret from everyone else at the Temple.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Appears mid-twenties. Average physical health for an eisorcei; not very physically strong. Suffers in even minorly cold environments.

Body Features

Four arms, all used equally; prehensile leg-length tail that begins wrist-thick and tapers to a finger-width; short spined crest (same pigment as skin) merges at nape of neck and continues downward (heightening slightly between shoulderblades) to a quarter down tail, usually laid flat. Fingernail-sized scales run down sides of body and cover bony areas; actual finger/toenails are dark red and more like talons.

Facial Features

Short kokoshnik-shaped, ribbed/spined crest (same pigment as skin) at front of head, divides to pass behind barely-visible ears and merge again at nape of neck; when relaxed, folds inward and back/down a little. Two-pronged (but normal length) tongue.

Identifying Characteristics

Fieron reads their Ega as 'flame-like, only bright blue and orange and white, with a fast-paced drumming at its center and a not-unpleasant scratching sensation'.

Special abilities

Although all eisorcei have the ability to teleport themselves in bursts of flame, Brethoche has shown increasing mastery -- they can reside for far long as an intangible consciousness or in or as an actual flame, and their ability to perceive the physical world while in this form is increasing. It is not yet known whether there are any drawbacks to this practice.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Brethoche was born in the Jemati Clutch, a medium-sized eisorcei community in south-central Balaqalneyis, and was a rambunctious youngling prone to pushing boundaries. Much of their childhood consisted of mischief-making of all kinds -- though fairly typical for eisorcei younglings, Brethoche was an extreme case and soon became the bane of the community. A combination of insatiable curiosity, frustration with the condensation-farming-based life, and lack of sense of mortality led them in 950AC to 'teleport' themselves too quickly and too far from the clutch and indeed, outside of Balaqalneyis altogether into Iyr. Far from daunted, Brethoche's overconfidence led them to continue to plunge deeper into the unknown -- it was only a couple of seasons later that homesickness kicked in and they were eventually able to make their way back to the clutch. However, they were not welcomed back and the return was short-lived.   Brethoche left the clutch again in 951AC and resumed traveling, thieving and causing mischief along the way. A good portion of their adolescence was spent in Iyr as a novelty act in a semi-permanent theater troupe, where they also received employ as an escort and seducer-assassin and thus built firmer links to the underworld. It was through such contacts that they heard of warlocks and, interest piqued, began making their way west to Keismeb where the rumors had originated. Brethoche began to follow their progress with interest but without direct involvement, finding it amusing.   When the Violet Accord was formed in 985AC, Brethoche anticipated the friction between it and the Pact of the Blessèd and considered exasperating both sides; it was a chance encounter with Xa'aroch -- a warlock success they did not anticipate -- in 986AC that truly captured their imagination and motivation. Brethoche was intrigued by the Azgorach and their homeworld, and volunteered their services to Xa'aroch; Xa'aroch reluctantly agreed to "see evidence of [their] usefulness" and instructed Brethoche to corrupt just one member of the Temple at Willowbreak Field of their choosing and return to him. Brethoche succeeded, and from there was instructed to continue the process; at least nine individuals over the next three years either renounced their faith, left to serve the Host of Selephise, or killed themselves at Brethoche's hand.   The Inebi Armistice announced the end of the War of the Six and Xa'aroch went into hiding; the Plague of the Bitter Hand killed Brethoche's next target -- Chaplain Essaforth'il -- before they could be corrupted and, having received no further instructions and with no desire to return home, Brethoche found their interest piqued again by the newly-arrived, twelve year-old Isaia. Initially only a way to pass the time, Brethoche became further invested in the child when they neither contracted the plague nor seemed affected by their machinations. Thus began a tete-a-tete that would continue for over a decade, evolving into begrudging respect for each other's ways and from there, an unlikely friendship. What Brethoche would never admit was that Isaia's struggles and questions hit too close to home.

Gender Identity

Brethoche is nonbinary, partly as a natural physical tendency for eisorcei; partly as an old tactic to mimic and thus make themselves more appealing to their victim, Isaia; and partly out of personal preference.


No formal.


Various throughout the years; in the past would proudly proclaim 'self-employed'. Most recently employed by the Host of Selephise of the Violet Accord.

Intellectual Characteristics

Devil-may-care, fearfully beginning to turn a critical eye inward. An insidious information-gatherer.

Morality & Philosophy

Exceedingly loose and self-serving.

Personality Characteristics


To find a more permanent place in the world or even something resembling a true home.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Strong slight-of-hand skills.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Riddles

Personality Quirks

When upset/uncomfortable, crest bristles and shivers.


Contacts & Relations

Old connections to the underworlds of Keismeb and Iyr.

Family Ties

Practically nonexistent.

Social Aptitude

Charismatic but only for gain of any kind.



past superior (Trivial)

Towards Brethoche




past underling (Important)

Towards Xa'aroch




Brethoche was one of many underlings commanded by Xa'aroch during the War of the Six as one of his many acts of subversive and/or psychological warfare. Xa'aroch was the one to originally send Brethoche to the Temple at Willowbreak Field, where they chose Isaia as their designated victim.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

(Once upon a time) The success of the Host of Selephise and the Violet Accord.


antithesis (Important)

Towards Isaia Nenngeleich



Isaia Nenngeleich

antithesis (Important)

Towards Brethoche



Wealth & Financial state

Current Location
Date of Birth
2nd Day of the Season of Ripening, 939AC
Year of Birth
939 AC 62 Years old
Current Residence
Solid black
Silvery-white, straight, thin but glossy, waist-length. Worn invariably down.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruby red with large patches of small scales.
5'5 / 165cm
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Shekoldahn, Mesik

This article has no secrets.


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