Isaia Nenngeleich (Iss-SAY-uh)


Isaia is a low-ranking Servant at the Temple at Willowbreak Field in the southwest corner of Ustraria. They went to school with Fieron Eburos and are devoted to the ways of the Order of the Burning Crown, as well as being committed to their decidedly neutral calling of humble philanthropy. They are a mediocre Cleric and spend much of their days in prayer or in assistance to the community, though the Temple is now more of a quiet memorial of the war than a war hospital.   However, following the War of the Six Isaia piqued the interest of an adrift Brethoche, formerly part of a scheme by Xa'aroch to "corrupt the holy houses" of the Pact of the Blessèd, and inherited them as their own personal tormenter and tempter. Despite continuing to blithely resist Brethoche's temptations even now, their reluctant friendship and wry respect is a stain Isaia struggles to hide from their peers and elders.   As is tradition in the priesthood of the Burning Crown, as a Servant Isaia has forgone their surname.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Average, somewhat stocky build, a little plump. Not very physically strong.

Facial Features

Expressive eyebrows.

Identifying Characteristics

Fieron read their Ega as a '[calm] array of greens and tinkling bells that swelled upward like a tossed sheet'.

Physical quirks

Almost always smiling.

Apparel & Accessories

Most often the everyday pale blue plaincloth robes of a Servant with simple sandals. Simple beaten-oze thin cuff-bracelet on each wrist inscribed with the names of the Great Ones, standard for all believers of Minister and below.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Isaia was born Isaia Nenngeleich in Korzhûn to Koonis and Hahdan Nenngeleich, and would become the eldest of their five children. While Koonis worked in city planning in conjunction with the Korzhûn Stewardship Hahdan was an admired sculptor; the Eburos family was one of their neighbors. Isaia had a fairly comfortable childhood and from an early age showed a preference for identifying as neither male nor female, which their parents readily accepted despite concerns about how others would. Hahdan and Koonis were also faithful followers of the Order of the Burning Crown and this led easily to Isaia wanting to go to a Holding school rather than a secular one, with the fierce goal of becoming an Initiate and ultimately the priesthood.   Isaia began formal schooling at the Korzhûn Holding when they were eight; here they met Fieron Eburos -- also preparing for life in the church as an Initiate -- and the two would become fast friends. When they were ten Fieron was identified as predisposed to become a Shepherd, and though this didn't outwardly have an impact on their friendship Isaia internalized feelings of envy and their self-confidence dropped. These feelings were not resolved before Fieron was moved two years later to the House of Korzhûn to begin life as an Initiate there. They kept in touch regularly.   When the War of the Six came to an end with the release of the Plague of the Bitter Hand in 989AC, the war was brought to their doorstep. In the late Season of Ripening, 989AC, Isaia was sent early into the Korzhûn Cloister as a Servant (which coincided with the traditional dropping of their surname), especially to begin their training as a Cleric, but remained there for only one season before the ravages of the Bitter Hand began to stretch everyone thin -- when 'volunteers' were called to assist at the Temple at Willowbreak Field, Isaia was part of a group sent there in the late Season of Closing, 989AC, much to the alarm of their family and Fieron. Isaia, however, looked on it as an opportunity to prove themselves.   The Temple proved a bigger challenge than Isaia expected, acting as a war hospital so near the front line. Prior to the method of transmission being narrowed down, Isaia seemingly avoided contracting it purely by luck despite the alarmingly rapid turnover of many of his peers. In the Season of Waiting, 989AC, missing home and beginning to regret their 'choice', Isaia was further unsettled by the appearance of Brethoche, an eisorcei in service of the Violet Accord previously sent by Xa'aroch as part of a scheme to "corrupt the holy houses". With Xa'aroch missing and the Inebi Treaty in effect, Brethoche had received no further orders and after the death of their former target, took an interest in Isaia. Initially they preyed on Isaia's insecurities -- not helped by refusing to be seen by anyone else -- and tried to corrupt them, but Isaia held firm in their faith and in fact 'tempted' back; thus began a tete-a-tete that would continue for over a decade, evolving into begrudging respect for each other's ways and from there, an unlikely friendship.   Nonetheless, Isaia privately retains old fears: that Brethoche will have a change of heart and reveal themselves to Isaia's peers or superiors, or worse, that all of their whisperings over the years -- of Isaia's impiety, insignificance, jealousy of Fieron, lack of talent, survivor's guilt -- are true.

Gender Identity

Isaia is nonbinary, though at times may present or appear more feminine/masculine.


Voluntarily celibate.


Korzhûn Holding -- Age 8 to 12, Initiate
Korzhûn Cloister -- Age 12 to 12 1/2, Servant (lowest rank)


Servant and low-level Cleric at the Temple at Willowbreak Field, southern Ustraria

Failures & Embarrassments

Remaining a lower-level Servant in the Temple for so long (though this is partly to better-conceal Brethoche their lack of real Cleric talent.

Intellectual Characteristics

Perceptive, inquiring, forgiving.

Morality & Philosophy

Heavily-informed by Order of the Burning Crown doctrine, but a strong desire to do whatever is right no matter the person or situation.

Personality Characteristics


To uphold their morals at all costs, which usually align with upholding all tenets of their faith.

Virtues & Personality perks

Self-sacrificing, ready humor and smile.

Vices & Personality flaws

Self-sacrificing can sometimes be taken too far.

Personality Quirks

Tends to laugh when nervous.


High, leftover from compulsive cleaning during the height of the Bitter Hand.


Religious Views

Social Aptitude

Outgoing but not much opportunity to see if this would hold up outside the Temple.

Hobbies & Pets

Likes cooking, given half a chance.


Fieron Eburos

schoolfriend (Important)

Towards Isaia Nenngeleich



Isaia Nenngeleich

schoolfriend (Important)

Towards Fieron Eburos




Fieron and Isaia went to the same Holding together in preparation for life in the church, but Fieron was identified as predisposed for life as a Shepherd while Isaia continued into the Cloister.


antithesis (Important)

Towards Isaia Nenngeleich



Isaia Nenngeleich

antithesis (Important)

Towards Brethoche



Wealth & Financial state

Extremely low by choice according to faith.
Current Location
Date of Birth
3rd Day of the Season of Opening, 977AC
Year of Birth
977 AC 24 Years old
Dark brown / black, chin-length corkscrew-coils. Usually worn loose.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Medium brown, partly-visible freckles
5'10 / 177cm
Aligned Organization

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