Gild Whitewell (Guild)

Gild Whitewell was a gild minora to Gild Bloodgrove prior to the War of the Six, and was last based on the shores of the western end-fork of the Tubisqu River in southern Unenshuut, near Kastis. Due to its placement both on the river and near the marshes, one of its primary exports was Wadaloush, indigenous and extremely common in the area and high in demand elsewhere.   It was its unfortunate proximity to Kastis and the warlocks there that would inadvertently put them in harm's way. When Xa'aroch demonstrated his loyalty to his summoners on the 6th Day of the Season of Closing, 972AC, he chose the nearby Whitewell as his target: his attack began as insidious psychological warfare in the dead of night and progressed into ruthlessly thorough destruction, largely alone, that resulted in nearly the entire gild being wiped out.   Among the victims were Kaavius Springfist's parents and unborn sibling; Ezmer Firekeen, one of the elders, ensured the survival of many of the children, including Kaavius. Survivors initially fled to the Bloodgrove but most did not remain there long -- none, however, returned to the site and have since scattered into other gilds. The Whitewell are considered defunct.


Considered defunct following the attack by Xa'aroch in 969AC and resulting lack of a significant number of survivors.
Dissolution Date
6th Day of the Season of Closing, 972AC
Guild, Merchant
Major Exports
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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