Seishmeb (SAYSH-meb)

Seishmeb is the capital 'city' of Kiva, founded in 587AC primarily as a means to facilitate trade, especially international, due to the otherwise nomadic nature of Kivans. This was brought about by the first major trade agreement with Keismeb at the time. The settlement itself consists of dwellings carved into a rocky gorge that is part of the same formation housing the Baon Well farther north at the terminus of the Praethin River and runs all the way south to the Tycephaur Lake.   Its population pre-war (c. 985AC) was around 10,000 people, which dropped to around 7,000 post-war by 1000AC. Kiva remained less involved in the War of the Six than Ustraria, Iyr, or Unenshuut, and it is only a capital of convenience besides, with the smallest number of permanent residents of any capital city.   The land on the southern outskirts of the city (and some on the eastern side) has become devoted to grain fields and orchards since approximately 810AC as a means to support its hunter-gatherer tribes with additional rations during their migrations.   Civil order is kept by the Seish’shula, a city guard of around seven hundred volunteers overseen by a group of elected representatives, one from each tribe of more than one hundred. Head tribesmen meet annually at Seishmeb to discuss matters of mutual concern, address trespasses between tribes or too large to be handled in-tribe, and agree on general modes of conduct or outside relations. The Valnoc -- called by a kega -- assembles and is dispatched from the capital.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)
Characters in Location


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