The Great Dust Bowl


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Two centuries have passed since nuclear fire forever altered the ecosystem of the midwest. The Great Dust Bowl now dominates the region, a shifting hellscape that has given birth to some of the most brutal creatures and cultures ever before seen in the wasteland. A greedy syndicate of ghouls, vicious raider tribes, and endless hordes of mutants rule the surface. Left unchecked by the larger factions that would typically serve as their nemeses, they utilize pre-war automobiles to exert their influence and expand beyond what is usually possible elsewhere.

The last bastion of human civilization clings to hope aboard the The Vault Crawler, a mobile platform designed by Vault Tec to terraform distant planets. Doomed to chase the habitable zone behind the swirling sands, the denizens must excavate salvage twenty four hours a day to remain operational. Although an impressive work of engineering, the Crawler was never fully completed and lacks one final component needed to fulfill its intended purpose - a Garden of Eden Creation Kit. In a race against time, the dwellers must find a way to solve their problems before their technology fails and they become just another relic buried underneath the radioactive dust.

Photos from the Live Events! (more on the Discord #photo-reel)

The Ghoul Syndicate

The most prevalent example of intelligent life in the Dust Bowl, it was only natural that ghouls took over the surface while the smoothskins were cowering underground. Humans are considered the second class citizen here and would do well to remember that fact. Justice is delivered by Los Verdugos, or “The Hangmen”, a Latin community that turned to the rule of law to survive being cut off from their ancestral homeland. They offer protection to the The Rad Farm in exchange for amenities and distractions seen as vital in staving off the ‘feral’ condition. This extravagant high society helps conceal the true masters of the organization so they can continue to pull the strings of the Syndicate from the shadows. Cloaked in their prototype power armor and roaring across the skies in their pre-war vertibirds, the The Dunwich Society is particularly hard to miss for being shrouded in so much mystery.

The Mutant Hordes

Generations of exposure to intense radiation coupled with direct exposure to FEV have caused scores of new species to spring up all over the region. Some of these will never live past a single generation, while others expand unchecked across the wasteland. The Corvega City Slavers run down nomadic tribes to add them to their stock, using the proceeds to buy supplies for their illicit chem trade. Reports of a sinister threat continue to mount despite each account being slightly different. The Changlings have awoken primal fears in the minds of everyone their stories touch, leaving friends and family uneasy as they secretly muddle over one another's true identity. Remnants of the super mutant horde from the west have made their way here as well. Smarter than their east-coast cousins, the The Master's Bastards might be the only organization that wasn’t stranded here. Those with any insight into their goals say that it was all part of the plan.

The Human Conflict

Some people had to make compromises to survive the twenty third century. Fighting back against the unending tide of abominations, the Thunderbirds rule the sky around the Vault Crawler. Marooned like so many others, this Brotherhood splinter cell has had to carve out a violent niche in the region doing what they do best. Unbeknownst to them, another threat festers close by. Escaped from the Commonwealth, a synthetic leader has taken up the cause of the The Robco Liberation Army. Few even get to hear their propaganda before they are trampled underfoot by the cold autonomous militia. Observing it all from a satellite lens, a sleeping titan plots their re-emergence. Vastly changed in their isolation, the members of the Enclave living at the The Eden Compound are about to reveal their plans for the Tenth Crusade on the wasteland.