College of Welkford

Public Agenda

To the main core of Society, the College exists as a monolithic network of Doctors, Surgeons, and healers. Ranging from legitimate medical practitioners to barbers and Alchemists and apothecaries. The vast majority of these professionals hold some tie to the College in some capacity, many more holding a positive outlook for the establishment in recent times. Their stated goals are repeated to all who walk through the gates of the ivy covered walls, Sit, rest and be healed.
They ask for donations if one is able to do so. Though this is never needed in a monetary sense, the College actually prefers those who seek their aid, to assist them to assist others. To their faith, good breeds good. Health breeds charity, and charity breeds more good.
Outspoken in their steadfast position to assist, they can often be seen helping the masses with just about anything and everything given the expertise to do so. They are there to help as their God, Welkford, demands of them. Though this is often seen in medical capacities, they are not limited to this.


Troubles and Tribulations

A transcription between the Dean of the College and a colleague during the initial start of a plague.  
During the rise of The Sage of Huron: Emily Von Eule in the wake of the first Feder-Caliphiti War, she had sought to purge much of the corruption that had built up inside the organization over the years. Mainly allowing errant issues such as the Misuse of Magic, pocketing donations meant for the penitent, or the turning away of patients for seemingly no reason despite the obvious needs.
Emily had purged the heads of the church of their positions, as well a few of their lives, to force the College to readopt its own tenets of Faith. Their primary one she focused on first; "There cannot be charity without self-sacrifice". Quickly reinstating true followers of the faith from their former dogmatic masters, visions clouded by greed and luxury beheld from lofty positions.
Eventually securing state funding from the Crown of Huron, eradicating any need for the people to donate to the "University", to her own mind, this was more in line with their own creed. To this day, the College is a free institution for any to use freely. To seek assistance, and to learn from the vast array of healers held within its walls.
Sigfinicant Achievement

It's true crowning achievement that the College has held the laurels to for Centuries is this: The invention of Healing Magic, as well as the discovery of the Domain of Life. Though they pioneered many of the modern techniques and practices for the use of this strange force, many iterations already existed. The main issue that the College was able to fix was this; in technical terms, the magic can't be allowed to stay around the patient without there being significant side effects.
While one is in the process of steeping an inflicted area with healing magic, the body reacts in abnormal ways. The main one being uncontrolled cell growth and regeneration, or the issue of untrained hands allowing "spare parts'' to form. Thus the issues of many having this magic used on them before the start of the modern practices were routinely inflicted with cancers and deformities. The formal training now being absolutely required for any would be doctor/healer/surgeon before working on legitimate patients.

For Health of Charity

Founding Date
Year 459
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
The Chantry of Grace, The University of Huron, Welkford Fellowship


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