
The Guile of the Black Crusade, Lucius is a hauntingly beautiful follower of Vesh who has fallen under the ranks of the crusade and has become one of its three figureheads. Alongside the Vision Nihlan, and the Might Dagon, he leads the broken and battered souls of their prior home across Naset in an effort to reassemble the Hand of Arkhan and revive the deceased in his tribe. However, Lucius hides a dark and underlying secret he has yet to reveal to his other leaders. Unlike other cultists within the Black Crusade, Lucius still holds ties to their previous master. Answering not to Nihlan but instead the Lord of Joy, the Guile plays along with the other leaders' goals as his master wills, however at the drop of a blade he will fulfill his lord's plot to the end with no hesitation.
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Guile of the Black Crusade
  • Favored Child of Joy
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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