
Of all the large islands of the Moonshaes, Moray is the most in flux. The others have conflicts but also a firmly entrenched power structure, while Moray sees a great deal of bloodshed with many different groups struggling for power. The Black Blood Tribe holds sway in the inland areas, spreading a swath of destruction against any who attempt to pass through. The Trollclaw Mountains in the north and the Orcskill Mountains in the south are ruled predominantly by different tribes of giants, ogres, orcs, and other dangerous but semi-organized monstrous humanoids. Along the coast, small settlements try to survive with the assistance of whichever group sponsors them: some are funded by Amnian merchants eager for the island’s resources, others are ancient Northlander strongholds who swear allegiance to the Jarl Rault of Norland, and others still remain loyal to House Kendrick and maintain military outposts manned by soldiers enlisted in the army of the High King. The Black Blood Tribe’s goal is simple: use the moonwells on Moray to summon forth Kazgoroth, an aspect of their lord Malar. By slaughtering as many creatures as possible within the moonwells, the lycanthropes believe Malar will reward their offerings by sending his faithful and murderous servant to lead them. Once Kazgoroth arrives, they plan to first take Moray, then the rest of the Moonshae Isles, and then attack mainland Faerûn. The one slight boon provided to the good folks of the Moonshaes is the Black Bloods don’t care who they slaughter – they are just as happy to kill the orcs and trolls of the mountains as the humanoids of the civilized lowland communities. Also, the Black Bloods recognize the need to kill their victims in the moonwells, necessitating the capture and transport of prisoners there. This gives individuals prone to performing heroic deeds the opportunity to rescue those victims before the sacrifice can take place. The Black Bloods count among their number a few lycanthropes that came to Moray from the Feywild’s Brokenstone Vale. These individuals are more powerful than those native to Moray, and they revel in the freedom of not being confined to the vale in the fey realm. These beasts are also much more rational than their counterparts, and therefore more dangerous. They are willing to forge alliances with some of the other powers of the Moonshaes: particularly the fomorian leader Queen Connomae of Oman and her trusted lieutenants. These Brokenstone Vale lycanthropes might even take on the form of a human in order to trick unsuspecting innocents into dropping their guards or unwittingly assist the creatures.


  • Moray

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