Breasal Marsh

The Black Blood lycanthropes have been joined in their plan to reawaken Kazgoroth by savage members of several allied lizardfolk tribes. While these two groups warred for a short time, it soon became clear to the more cunning members of both sides that they worshipped the same dark deity, and that working together they could please him more. By maintaining close relations, the Black Bloods can let the Breasel lizardfolk maintain control of the interior of Moray, letting the lycanthropes focus their attention on the Moonwells and the coastline.   However, some of the less-violent tribes within the Breasel Marsh have had visions of a time when they won’t have to live in constant fear of slaughter because of weakness or differences with their bloodthirsty superiors. Although they have remained silent and secretive to this point, these more peaceful lizardfolk need only be given the opportunity to revolt against their savage brethren. A few of these lizardfolk have even received divine powers from Silvanus while being shown a better future.
Wetland / Swamp
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