
Approximately 15 miles south of Caer Moray, along a poorly maintained wagon path, is the village of Dynnegall. Named for the former king of Moray, Dynnegall was once a flourishing town with much to boast about. Since the rise of the Black Blood Tribe, Dynnegall would have been abandoned long ago if not for its important resources. It exists now as more of an outpost of Caer Moray than a proper village. The bulk of the workers are human or halfling Ffolk that are loners. The others have left their families in Caer Moray, as they seek the higher wages of the risky assignment.   The town’s location, on the edge of swampy Lac Dynnegall, provides a large amount of peat, which is a much-sought source of heating in the Moonshaes. Also, a swamp-grown plant called kryne is highly nutritious and easy to keep through drying. These two resources are farmed in Dynnegall, transported by cart to Caer Moray, and then shipped for use elsewhere.   The soldiers who protect Dynnegall consider it the worst job in all the Moonshaes, and those veterans who survive a tour of duty there are considered some of the bravest and most skilled. A group of wood elf archers guards the modest wooden palisades and are the most effective defense. Attacks against the village by Black Blood creatures take place regularly, and on more than a few occasions in the last century, the monsters have managed to kill everyone in the village, forcing House Kendrick to recruit brave (or foolish) settlers to take up the mantle.
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