Caer Moray

The 1,500 citizens and soldiers who occupy the village of Caer Moray are loyal to the High King, and they maintain a rough and sometimes harrowing existence with the hopes that someday their sacrifice might see the return of the entire island of Moray to House Kendrick’s rule. The main purpose of the town is to keep open the port that allows access to ships bringing in supplies and sending out the resources from the village of Dynnegall.   Caer Moray is a tempting target for the Black Bloods. The Malar-worshippers frequently throw themselves against the wooden palisade that protects the town. Although they rarely succeed in doing anything more than getting a few of their kind killed, the Black Blood leaders know that the slaughter of such a large number of people at one time would go far to both restock their number with new lycanthropes as well as please Malar enough to send them Kazgoroth.   The soldiers of Caer Moray have a history of employing chariots in their defense against the Black Bloods. Their use is a now a point of pride and employed in favor of the more traditional cavalry.    For generations they have bred a dog known as a moorhound. Alarmingly large, moorhounds are valued for their size, loyalty, and keen sense of smell for detecting the Black Bloods. They enable the soldiers to chase down and neutralize formidable attackers on the grasslands of the northern moors.
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