
The site of the opening battle of the Amnian Wars, lies the village of Kork. After an attack by the Black Bloods wiped out all of the inhabitants, the place was repopulated by mercenaries and settlers hired by Amn.  The town remained that way for years before House Kendrick's 1st Spears led an assault. Currently, althought the village is far enough from the two moonwells that it is holds little interest to the Black Bloods at the moment.   The current settlers charge is to grow the military presence in the tactically important Strait of the Leviathan and build a road to the interior of Moray to gain access to the valuable peat and kryne located there. So far, the settlers have been able to hold the town without much trouble, but the building of the road into the interior has met with the expected difficulties: the Black Bloods and lizardfolk do not suffer intrusion gladly
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