Lower Sunflower Settlement in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil

Lower Sunflower

Lower Sunflower is a an oddball of a village. Humanoids, typically viewed as uncouth and savage, dwell here in harmony. They are very welcoming of outsiders that appear as obviously weak or needy.


Lower Sunflower is a village of about 500 permanent inhabitants. It has an unusual large number of humanoid inhabitants:
  • Humans - 22%
  • Dwarves - 1% - Mostly mountain dwarves
  • Elves - 1% - Mostly wood elves
  • Halflings - 2%
  • Half Elves - 4%
  • Gnomes - 1% - Mostly hill gnomes
  • Half Orcs - 46%
  • Half-Ogres - 21%
  • Other Races - 2%


Lower Sunflower isn't an officailly recognized town within the Gromalion Consortium. This means that there is no officially appointed Lord Forman. The defacto leader of the village is the Strongmost. More so than most other settlements in the realm raw strength rules.


Lower Sunflower is a small settlement with little to no apparent infrastructure.


This is a small communtiy of mostly humanoids. There are no obvious districts. The village is well inegrated and provided visitors are not obviously weak, they will be readily accepted within the village.
Founding Date
643 b.g.t.
Location under


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