Dog Hollow Settlement in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil

Dog Hollow (DAHG hah-LOW)

Dog Hollow is a small village in the Venlof Mountain Range that is considered the begining of Dog Hollow Pike by most of the peninsula. It began as a small enture by a band of adventurers that decided it was easier to make a coin or two by supplying those willing to risk their lives in the Deep Cthonic than to do so themselves.


Dog Hollow is a village of about 850 permanent residents, though the recent boom has swelled its numbers to almost twice that. It is one of the largest cities on the peninsula. All races of the peninsula are well represented:
  • Humans - 58%
  • Dwarves - 12% - Mostly mountain dwarves
  • Elves - 12% - Mostly wood elves
  • Halflings - 6%
  • Half Elves - 4%
  • Gnomes - 2% - Mostly hill gnomes
  • Half Orcs - 2%
  • Half-Ogres - 1%
  • Other Races - 3%


Dog Hollow is not an officially sanctioned village within in the consortium and therefore doe not have an appointed Lord Forman. There is no electoral process and there is little government per se. The ruler of the town is unoffically known as Lord, but carries no official marque of nobility.
In general, the principal of might makes right handles most issues that arrise. The large number of higher level adventurers and retired adventurers keep the population and visitors in more of a Neutral Good attitude most of the time.


Oddly enough the village of Dog Hollow exists without any sort of organized city guard or watch. The uncharictaristic number of retired adventurers and adventurers resting between expeditions tends to keep most people in check. Occasionally there is a brawl or donnybrook, but the situation tends to resolve itself before there is any opportunity to escallate the altercation.

Industry & Trade

In general prices tend to be elevated about 33% from the rest of the peninsula. The large amout of coin and gear that is retrieved from the Deep Cthonic artifically inflates the local economy. Prices for adventuring supplies are at a premium. The more domestic trade items tend to be a lot closer to the average for the peninsula.


This is a boom town at best and a remote village at worst. Very little official infrastructure of any type exists.


The village is little more than a collection of businesses and pop up suppliers of gear for adventurers entering the Deep Cthonic. There are no districts, wards, or quarters of any official sort.

Guilds and Factions

There is very little guild presence in Dog Hollow. The exception is the Adventurers Guild. They closely monitor returning adventurers for treasure, magic, and coin. They have the largest and best defended inn and tavern within the small village of Dog Hollow.
Founding Date
circa 1200 b.g.t.
Location under


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