Mount Norfeat Geographic Location in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil

Mount Norfeat

Prior to the year 801 b.g.t, Mount Norfeat was just another middle height mountain in the Venlof Range. In that year a team of miners discovered a previously unknown metal that had been naturally alloyed with a few other metals. The resulting alloy was extremely light and when charged with magical energy exhibited the ability to lift or levitate a signifigant weight of organic materials. Inorganic material fastend to or riding upon the lifted materials had no apparant impact on what could be lifted. Furthermore, the metal was also found to be transdimensional and could ride the miasmic currents that flow in the peninsula and planes. There is no other known source of the metal in the penisula and the Gromalon Consortium closely guards the secrets to processing the ore and charging the alloy.


By ground, the terrain approaching the mountain is virtually impassable except along the northwest slopes. This approach from the northwest is known as the Red Gate due to the red tinted rock prominent arround it. For years all ores and metals exiting the mine as well as supplies entering the mine occured through this gate. In recent years, a secondary exit utilizing a gravity chute has been constructed on the eastern slopes. A gravity driven conveyor lowers ores and metals while lifting mostly empty baskets back up the slope. Small quantities of supplies can be raised to the mines with this lift, but it is inefficient and not often implemented. This gate has the unofficial name of Green Gate, but that hasn't had time to 'stick' since it's installation and is better known as the Gravity Gate.


Most of the year the upper reaches of the mountain remain snow covered and virtually inaccessible. The lower slopes are typically in line with the other locations in the temperate climatic zone.
Average Temperature Variation by Season
Winter:-6 -14 Extremes: (-51,44)
Spring:19 -39 Extremes: (-11,64)
Summer:39 - 59 Extremes: (9,74)
Fall:9 - 29 Extremes: (-41,59)

Natural Resources

While Mount Norfeat produces a wide variety of ores, minerals, and gems, the most common veins mined in the mountain are: copper, tin, lead, gold, platinum, mithril, and Flowtalloy.
10,932 ft. asl
Temperature Range
-6 to 59 ºF
Mountain / Hill
Location under
Owning Organization


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