Venlof Mountains Geographic Location in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil

Venlof Mountains (vein-lahFF)

The Venlof Mountain range is a geographic region of eastern Gromalion Consortium that is rich in ores, minerals, and other resouces extracted from the ground. The consortium guards this strategic stockpile ruthlessly and strives to eliminate any threat that threats it.
In recent years there have been incursions and raids from the Apodemus, or ratmen. These incursions have made the mountains a bit more dangerous and unpredictable. The consortiu has begun offering rewards, bounties, and incentives to adventures at the small boom town of Dog Hollow. The population of this town has tripled in response and numbers in the upper 3000s. Prior to the boom it was barely a town of 850 permanent residents.


The Venlof Mountains are tall and imposing, with several peaks reaching heights of over 10,000 feet above sea level. The range is known among dwarves as the Brighjour Highlands. Within the range various individual peaks, some are sharp and jagged, while others have more rounded profiles.

Prominent Peaks

Dog Hollow Peak - (12,245 ft. asl)
Dog Hollow Peak over looks Dog Hollow Pike and one of the best known entrances into the caverns under the Eastern Confines.
Harpy's Nest - (8,132 ft. asl)
The Harpy's Nest is a dangerious summit in the eastern Venlof's. Several flying monsters dwell here including a large harridan of harpies.
Mount Ire - (15,762 ft. asl)
Mount Ire is a large summint over looking the eastern portion of Crossbourgh Wood. Folktales tell of its formation in a fight between two of the elder powers.
Mount Tundill - (18,843 ft. asl)
Also known as the Guidepost to the Frontier. Mount Tundill rises above all in the eastern Venlofs and guides travellers seeking Dog Hollow Pike and the dangers and riches in the Eastern Confines.
Mount Redeemer - (8,454 ft. asl)
Mount Redeemer was named by a pilgrmage of clercis crossing the Venlof Mountains as an atonement for a long forgotten trangression. When the leader of the group looked back and noticed the summit rising above the Venlofs, she delared it Mount Redeemer and proceeded to sanctify it as a holy site.
Mount Venlof - (21,721 ft. asl)
The highest point in the Venlof range is Mount Venlof. Weather permitting, it is visible from most of the Venlof Mountains. A sheer face of the peak plunges into the depths of Carlstino Gorge.
Shadow Peak - (21,645 ft. asl)
The second highest peak in the Venlof range. Like its sister peakm it is also visible from most of the Venlofs, but continually shrouded in a grey shadowy veil. A sheer vertical face drops to the shores of Carlstino Gorge, but the beach head is miniscule and barely large enough for a small 10 man basecamp. No know passes, or ascent climbs are known on other faces. Those that have attempted the summit report an overwhelming sense of forboding and dread when immersed within the shadowy veil.
Singe Spire - (7,238 ft. asl)
One of the lower peaks in the range, Singe Spire is covered in ash and volcanic basalt. The mountain is a dormant volcano. Occasional smoke plumes can be seen rising above the spire and locals fear its awakening and the coming eruption.
Cyclone Peak - (9,891 ft. asl)
Cyclone Peak is continuously shrouded in swirling cloud formations and endless fog. The peak is a massive butte with steep sides and a flat top. Few without the assistance of magical aid have seen the summit. One explanation of its formation is it is an eroded remnant of a massive laccolith.
Zen Bluff - (8,341 ft. asl)
Long before the formation of the Cabal, Consortium, and Cartel, a band of like thinking monks established a monestary and order in the caves and caverns that stipple the face of this smallish summit. Several seeking solitude and enlightenment still visit the monestary to this day.
Mount Getaway - (10,004 ft. asl)
Long ago a local warlord established an opulent castle and estate here as a way to escape the stress of maintaining his conquests. Infernal outsiders were used in its construction and at some point were able to escape their bindings and the castle lies in ruins to this day.
Windy Peak - ( 9,459 ft. asl)
A rather non-descript summit in the southern Venlofs.
Paragon Peak - (9,688 ft. asl)
Paragon Peak is a pristine, majestic, and renowned mountain located in a pristine and remote region. It stands tall as an emblem of natural beauty and rugged wilderness. Several orders of rangers, elves, and druids consider it sacred and defend it from logging, mining, and further development.
Hu's Blade - ( 13,111 ft. asl)
A narrow summit with steep sides culminatiing in a well defined peak resembling the end of a blade. Several local tales relate the story of Hu leaving the blade used to carve the mountain range out of the ground itself here after completing their task.
Rema Spire - (8,991 ft. asl)
Rema Spire is the known home of an ancient red dragon known in this age as Rema the Reprehensible. Few dare to enter his domain and challenge his absolute authority.
Ontopofit Bluff - (8,453/12,309 ft. asl)
Ontopofit Bluff is an interesting geographic feature in the Venlof Range. A large mesa at about 8,500 feet asl spans for several miles. Rising up out of the mesa is a large round top hill that rises to a stunning 12,309 ft. asl.
Jallang's Watch - 12,121( ft. asl)
Jallung is a eldar druid that gaurds and protects Brightwell Timbers. Periodically Jallung enters a hibrination or Torpor and dwells at the top at the top of this peak in a grove to reconnect with the peninsula.
Three Sisters Peaks - (10,012/10,8101/9,761 ft. asl)
This trio of volcanoes lies at the western edge of the Venlof range. Individually the sisters are known, in order of ascention, as Vengance, Scorn, and Retribution.
Mount Norfeat - (10,932 ft. asl)
Mount Norfeat is the only known source of Flowtalloy in the peninsula. The Gromalion consortium guards its secrets and mines with all its available resources.
Mount Wimple - (8,922 ft. asl)
Named for its resemblance of a hooded member of some religious institutions. There is no proof in the folktales that it is an exiled preistess who was petrified in punishment.
Mount Charfin - (11,398 ft. asl)
Mount Charfin is a semi-active volcano in the southern reaches of the Venlof range. It is a well known source for gems in the region. The constant churn of magma and molten rock bring many crystalized minerals to the surface here.
Midlegant Peak - (9,023 ft. asl)
Also known as the southern gateway to the Venlof range. The Gromalion Consortium has heavily invested in fortifications and defenses to control movement both into and out of the mountains and valuable that lie beyond.
From the west surrounding the base of the mountains are a series of rolling hills that gradually rise in elevation as they approach the mountains. These hills are typically covered with hardy, low-lying vegetation, such as scrubby bushes and grasses. The dwarves and other mountain dwellers use these scrublands for grazing their animals.

Lakes, Rivers, and Surface Water

The Venlof Mountains are crisscrossed by deep valleys and narrow gorges, which provide natural pathways into the heart of the mountain range. These valleys often contain fast-flowing streams and rivers, which the inhabitants use for water supply, trabsportation, and for various industrial processes.

Prominent Lakes and Rivers

Drowned Shallows - (160 ft. deep)
The Drowned Shallows lie on the eastern slopes of Three Sisters Peaks. Locals believe that these waters are haunted by the souls of those killed during the Great Accounting.
Carlstino Gorge - (856 ft. deep)
Carlstino Gorge is a deep dark lake high in the Venlof Range. It is believed that there are multiple entrances into the Deep Cthonic. At lower elevations, especially in the valleys, there are dense forests consisting of coniferous and deciduous trees. These forests are a valuable resource for the inhabitants, who use the timber for construction and fuel.

Prominent Forests

Crossbourgh Wood
Crossbouragh Wood is a large coniferous wood on the northern slopes of the Venlof Range.
Brightwell Timbers
Brightwell Timbers is a mixed (decidious and coniferous) forest on the southern slopes of the Venlof Range.
Within the mountains themselves, there are numerous natural caves and tunnels, some of which are quite extensive. Dwarves, primarily, have expanded many of these passageways through their mining operations. These caves often contain rich veins of valuable minerals and ores, making them the primary focus of the dwarves' and other inhabitants' mining efforts.


The region experiences a range of weather conditions that can change from hour to hour, let alone day to day. Winters can be harsh with heavy snowfall, while summers are often mild. The mountains exhibit microclimates, with temperatures and weather patterns varying significantly between the high peaks and the low-lying valleys.

Fauna & Flora

The Venlof Range supports a variety of wildlife, including mountain goats, bears, wolves, and smaller mammals. Birds of prey, like eagles and hawks, are often seen soaring above the mountain peaks.

Natural Resources

The mountains and hills are rich in various minerals and ores, including iron, copper, silver, gold, and precious gemstones. The local dwarves and various other races are experts at extracting these resources, and their mines can extend deep into the mountainsides. Some say that the deeper shafts have opened passageways into the even deeper tunnels used by the Apodemus, leading to a rise in Apodemus raids and incursions.


The Venlof Range has been primarily settled, mined, and worked by individuals travelling out of what in present day Hornaty. As a result most methods of transit into and out of the mountains lead to or come from Hornaty.
Mountain Range
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Owning Organization

Articles under Venlof Mountains

Cover image: by Blutfort with generative AI


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