Old Wood Hill Settlement in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil

Old Wood Hill

Nestled on the edge of a desolate and eerie petrified forest is the village of Old Wood Hill, its very existence is defined by the volatile forces of nature that surround it. The villagers of this place have learned to adapt to their unique surroundings, living in harmony with both the haunting landscape and the looming presence of Singe Spire.
Singe Spire is a constant, brooding presence on the horizon. Its cone looms ominously, emitting occasional plumes of smoke and ash. The villagers have learned to coexist with the volcano, and they have developed a deep respect for its power. They closely monitor its activity and have developed intricate warning systems to alert the village in case of an eruption.


Dog Hollow is a village of just under 800 permanent residents. Most races of the peninsula are well represented:
  • Humans - 60%
  • Dwarves - 22% - Mostly mountain dwarves
  • Elves - 8% - Mostly wood elves
  • Halflings - 2%
  • Half Elves - 4%
  • Gnomes - 2% - Mostly hill gnomes
  • Half Orcs - 1%
  • Other Races - 1%


The villagers hold unique ceremonies and rituals to honor the natural forces around them. They revere the volcanic deities and spirits that they believe watch over them. During special occasions, they gather near the edge of the petrified forest to pay tribute to the spirits of the ancient trees, seeking protection from the looming volcanic threat.


Olod World Hill's buildings appear as if they've sprouted from the petrified trees. The trees of Obsidian Hollw appear frozen in time. It is a surreal sight with eerie, petrified trunks and branches reaching up like ghostly sentinels. The trees stand in stark contrast to the surrounding landscape, which is dominated by jagged, obsidian rock formations and the constant presence of the towering Singe Spire.
The village's architecture reflects both the volcanic and petrified elements of its surroundings. The buildings are constructed from dark, volcanic stone and obsidian, blending seamlessly with the eerie petrified trees. The roofs are sloped and designed to withstand volcanic ash and occasional lava flows. Intricate carvings and etchings on the buildings depict the history of the village and the natural forces that shape their lives.


The actual petrified forest surrounding Old World Hill is known as Obsidian Hollow, named after the obsidian-rich volcanic rocks that are scattered throughout the region.

Natural Resources

The people of Old Wood Hill are a resilient and resourceful community. They have learned to harness the volcanic resources for their survival. They mine obsidian and volcanic glass for tools and trade, and they've discovered ways to use geothermal energy for heating and cooking. The petrified wood from the nearby forest, while eerie, is a valuable resource for crafting and construction.
Founding Date
345 b.g.t.
Location under


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