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Krákuhólmi (ˈkʰrauːkuːˈhoulmɪ)

Krákuhólmi is a small tidal island just off the coast of Uisgneach in the Eileanan an Iar island group in the Ynys Archipelago. It has a grim reputation, and has been used as a site for the execution of criminals for hundreds of years.

Through some fluke of currents and fate, the island seems to attract corpses. Legend says that anyone who drowns within a hundred miles of Krákuhólmi will wash up on the shore here. Corpse-robbers walk the rocky beaches, stealing anything of value from the bodies. They know when a body was there by the flock of crows that would descend on the corpse, and they are also nicknamed 'crows' as a consequence. Veteran corpse-robbers claim that the crows would gather before the body actually washed ashore, as if they knew when and where it would appear. This practice is illegal under the laws of Dyfed, but has only been sporadically enforced in recent years.

Nobody knows who first erected the gibbets on the islet, but dozens of these macabre cages are there, mounted so that they can be seen from any passing ships. Traditionally, this is the place for those who have been convicted of piracy or raiding by the Kingdom of Dyfed - the pirate would be locked into the hanging cage and left to die of exposure or thirst. The bodies would be left hanging as a message to others, and the crows would flock around these corpses as readily as the ones on the beach. Since the island has fallen into the hands of Jarl Gunnar Bloodaxe and his Eyjamaður raiders, the cages have been used for all manner of executions, although they will sometimes disembowel the victim as an act of mercy.

Notable Spirits

Krákuhólmi is one of the most haunted places in the Northeastern Region, and few would choose to be there after nightfall. The spirits of the dead are said to be trapped on the island by the God of Crows, Morvhan. Morvhan uses the spirits to draw more bodies to the shore to feed his flock, and some worry that he is growing in power as he consumes. While he is still one of the more minor Ellyll in the archipelago, there are those who wish to find his true name and bind him in the manner of the Clarati before he can spread his shadow further than Krákuhólmi.


Krákuhólmi is a tidal island, connected by a causeway to Uisgneach that appears whenever the tide is low. The island is dominated by a tower of black rock that makes up the bulk of the landmass, surrounded by a rocky and inhospitable beach. At high tide, the beach all but disappears beneath the waves.


Little lives on the island. The waters immediately around it are filled with life, including several species of crab and shellfish. The crows which frequent the island roost on the great pillar of stone, and actively drive away any other birds that try to make their nests there. Even large birds of prey will be mobbed, and frequently the only sound on the islet is the sound of the sea and cawing of the crows.


The climate is harsh, with frequent storms in the winter and foggy, cool summers. Cold currents from the north keep the air and water cold throughout the year. In the spring, storms come from the Middlesea that can carry strange things such as frogs or fish, but most of those fall on Uisgneach to the west.
Alternative Name(s)
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Owning Organization
Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 55.11 degrees North
Longitude: 65.40 degrees East
Average Elevation: 16 ft
Highest Point: 66 ft
Lowest Point: -7 ft
Area: 0.45 sq mi


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