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Vai Tafe (ˈvai ˈtafe)

"Of all the moemoe'aku, Talavau'aku is the kindest to mortals, and the least likely to take offense - but you still must act with great respect towards them." - instruction to an apprentice Faifāitonu

The Vai Tefe is the longest river on the island of Motu, travelling for over 260 miles from Ofuto'o to its mouth on the northwestern shore of the island. For most of its length it is on the Papa Ahi plateau, before reaching th Afu Lele waterfall about fifteen miles from its mouth.

There are several villages built on the shores of the Vai Tefe, making its course the most densely populated area of the sacred Papa Ahi plateau. The largest of these is called Alofalelei. Several roads from outlying communities on the plateau converge here, making Alofalelei a nexus for all trade in the island's interior.

Notable Spirits

The Vai Tefe is embodied by the great Aku named Talavau'aku. They are seen as the most friendly of the moemoe'aku, those gods who never lived in a mortal body. There are several fanua'aku dedicated to the worship of Talavau'aku along the river, and Talavau'aku receives more personally directed worship than any other Aku.

When Talavau'aku manifests, it is usually as a young Mu'o'a child, standing near or in the river. Several tales are told of how different travelers along the river respond to the small child, and how Talavau'aku rewards or punishes their behavior. Those who are kind and helpful receive gifts of wealth and power, while those who ignore or threaten Talavau'aku find themselves pulled into the river and cast down past the waterfall and into the sea. Lost fofoa are a particular concern to Talavau'aku, and more than one child lost near the river has been taken by the hand and led to safety by the Aku.

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