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Ofuto'o (ɔˈfu.toˌʔo)

Ofuto'o is the largest lake on the island of Motu. It is located on the Papa Ahi volcanic plateau, in the caldera of Matafeto'o, one of the largest volcanos on the island. It is also the source of the Vai Tafe river, which is the longest on the island and contains the famous Afu Lele waterfall.

The largest community on the shores of Ofuto'o is named Lualoto, and is the home of the Aiga Mauloto. It is the first village the Mu'o'a established on the Papa Ahi plateau, after the great Faifāitonu Mafuatea petitioned Talomatangi'aku, the Aku of Ofuto'o, for permission to live there. Prior to the founding of Lualoto, the entire Papa Ahi plateau was considered too sacred for the Mu'o'a to establish permanent settlements. The founding was a source of great controversy among both the Aku and the other Mu'o'a Aigas, and only the prohibition against violence upon the Papa Ahi prevented it from becoming a war.

Notable Spirits

Talomatangi'aku is the primary spirit of Ofuto'o. They are one of the moemoe'aku, those gods who never had a mortal form, and manifests in the body of a gigantic red lizard, or sometimes as a bright red Kikipua warrior. Talomatangi'aku is considered to be one of the fiercest of the Aku, who can command both water and fire, and is the champion of Ta'matu'aku, ruler of the Aku. When Mafuatea petitioned the great Aku for permission to build a village on the shores of Ofuto'o, they knew that Talomatangi'aku was likely to say no, and possibly would destroy the Faifāitonu for daring to ask. But Mafuatea also had little choice. Their Aiga had fled enemies among the coastal Mu'o'a and sought sanctuary upon the Papa Ahi after losing a war, and they knew that if they descended from the sacred place they would likely be slaughtered. Mafuatea pled with Talomatangi'aku for sanctuary and protection, and offered to serve the Aku in any way they sought fit. Talomatangi'aku chose to accept the service of Mafuatea and permit the founding of Lualoto. In return, they declared that Mafuatea and all the Faifāitonu of the village would be the personal servants and agents of Talomatangi'aku in perpetuity. For the rest of Mafuatea's life, they were given tasks and missions by the Aku to carry out in the world beyond Lualoto. It was only in the final decade of Mafuatea's life that they actually were allowed to live in the community they founded, so that they could train a successor in Talomatangi'aku. And even then, after death, the spirit of Mafuatea was not permitted to pass on. Instead, they became an Aku themselves in the service of Talomatangi'aku. They reside in a statue of a dog-sized lizard made of red stone that rests on the shores of Ofuto'o, waiting for their master's word to spring to life and follow their commands. Since then, Mafuatea has been joined by several other statues on the lakeshore, one for each of Talomatangi'aku special servants.


Ofuto'o is a large lake, with a shoreline that extends for over 120 miles. It is oval-shaped, and about 30 miles long and 21 miles wide. The Vai Tafe drains from the southwestern edge of the lake before winding its way down and across the Papa Ahi plateau. The lake itself is fed by several hot springs in and around the caldera, and hosts a thriving ecosystem with many species of fish, birds, amphibians, and reptiles living in and around the water.

Location under
Geographic Details
Location: Southern Region
Latitude: 8.29 degrees South
Longitude: 0.65 degrees East
Maximum Depth: 610 ft
Area: 238 sq mi

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