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Afu Lele (a.ˈfu le.ˈle)

"When I first came upon Afu Lele, I knew that no matter how far I roamed, this place would forever be my home." - Nafanua mui Lemolele

Afu Lele is the highest waterfall in the Southern Region, cascading over a thousand feet over the edge of Papa Ahi. Its name means "Flying Waters" in Gagana, and it is one of the most significant fanua'aku on the island of Motu.

The village of Lemolele is located just downstream of the falls, on the banks of the Vai Tafe a few miles before it reaches the sea. It was founded by Nafanua mui Lemolele, a famous explorer among the Mu'o'a who was the first of their people to see the falls. Nafanua founded both the village and the Aiga that still lives there, and is said to have laid the first eggs within its fale'ofā'ao.

Notable Spirits

Malamāiga Lighthouse on the islet of Motukāi

While the falls are part of the domain of Talavau'aku, the Aku of the Vai Tafe, the most important Aku of Afu Lele is Nafanua mui Lemolele themself. After their death the Mu'o'a of Lemolele paid great honor to their founder, and elevated their Eidolon to become one of the Fua'aku. Nafanua is the patron and protector of travelers and explorers, and many Mu'o'a will travel to Afu Lele to gain the blessing of Nafanua before embarking on a long journey. The nature and aims of Nafanua also resonate with the Order of the Lightkeepers, who have erected a lighthouse in honor of the Fua'aku on the islet of Motukāi near the mouth of the Vai Tafe. This lighthouse, known as Malamāiga, or the "Light that Welcomes one Home", has extended Nafanua mui Lemolele's domain to include the entire region from the falls to the sea, making them one of the Fua'aku with the largest area under their purview.


Afu Lele is the highest waterfall in the Southern Region and one of the largest in the Great Ring. It is a part of the Vai Tafe river, which originates on the Papa Ahi plateau and cascades over the cliff to the coastal lowlands before reaching the sea. It is in the northwestern part of Motu, about fifteen miles from the ocean. From the top of the falls, one can see the entire shoreline for a great distance, along with many of the small islands that populate Motu's coastal waters.

Location under
Geographic Details
Location: Southern Region
Latitude: 7.22 degrees South
Longitude: 0.63 degrees East 
Elevation: 1,003 ft

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