Vojskovođa Gora Geographic Location in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Vojskovođa Gora (ʋôjskoʋod͡ʑa ɡǒra)

Vojskovođa Gora is a mountain on the island of Jelen, and is the highest point in the Korabovi Islands. The mountain is considered sacred by the Pozoj, and has the last remaining great temple of the Bogovi hidden within it.

Long ago, before the Nakaal brought Humans and Clarati into this world, the northern islands of the Great Ring were all the dominion of the ancient Zmei cultures. The gods and spirits of Zmei folklore were the Bogovi, and were found everywhere the Zmei lived. In several places, there were great temples dedicated to the Bogovi. By tradition, these would honor the local gods above all, but would also acknowledge the entire family with shrines to all the gods worshipped in the north.

Today, only the Temple of Korab remains, and it has become a memorial to the many gods lost when the Clarati destroyed the Zmei cities and drove most of the survivors to hide away in Buyan. While some of the Bogovi, like Reginn of Eyju, were able to persist and adapt to become gods of humans, most of the Zmei gods lost their connections to the physical world and have been reduced to memories and eidolons. Their shrines in the Temple of Korab, and the litanies of the priests who worship there, are their sole remaining tether to this world. Without this, they would be completely forgotten and fade even from The Dream.

The Temple of Korab is built into the cave system where the source of the River Krvi is located, and extends deep into the mountain. The many chambers of the temple are carved to resemble a great forest at night, with speckles of bioluminescent fungus overhead creating the illusion of a star-filled sky. A winding path through the stone forests passes by many shrines to the Bogovi, each with its own candles and offerings, kept fresh by the priests of the temple. The great shrine to Korab is in the final cavern, where the Krvi begins. There, a deep pool of sacred water surrounds the spring, and the priests honor the god's gift of sweet water.

At the base of the mountain is the village of Zid, which supports the temple. It is a fishing village and the location of a well-regarded winery. The village has been granted special support by Nabijač, the Kar of Vlast, to continue its support of the Temple.


Vojskovođa Gora is located on the southern coast of Jelen. The southern face descends steeply, with cliffs sloping into the sea towards the town of Zed. The northern face is a karst highland mild slope about ten miles wide that merges into the island's northern plateau. This area is covered with scarce shrubland and covers more than half of the island.
Mountain / Hill
Location under
Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 43.16 degrees North
Longitude: 57.15 degrees East
Elevation: 4,236 ft


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