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Session 2 - Unsavory

General Summary

Red captured one of the turkey-like creatures and brought it back to the fishmongers market. When he tried to get the creature back into its cage it pecked his hand and turned him to stone. Even mighty Berov could not move the granite statue of Red.   The Marshal collapsed. The dragonborn awoke. Berov and S'thom offered food and drink and slowly his strength started to return. While he reflected on how he got here, the other two searched for answers.   A finely-dressed dwarf spoke to Bhufai Eagerine and promised her that the petrification was only temporary and that her husband would be returned to normal this time tomorrow. Berov picked the man up and interrogated him roughly. He wasn't sure what to make of the dwarf's offer to buy the monsters he referred to as "cockatrice", but he seemed honest enough, though a bit strange. The dwarf told Berov and S'thom that he researched creatures with magical abilities and his laboratory on the north side of the lake would pay fairly for samples.   The duo decided to track the origins of the cockatrice and was introduced to a half-orc dockworker named Micah who became much more attentive and helpful after Berov tipped him a Blessing. Micah pointed him to a locathah ferry captain named Jontur who came along shortly with another load from one of the trading ships in the bay.   Jontur was too nervous to be of much help, but he affirmed that an "unsavory" fellow accompanied the cockatrice crates. After another tip from Berov, an oarsman whispered the name of the ship of origin: the "Shadow Oozing". Rumors had it that the Shadow Oozing also brought a shipment of scented candles to the Temples of Light.   After resting in the New Frontiers Guild Quarters in the Scholar's Forum, and eating a hearty breakfast, the dragonborn felt much better. A distracted Berov tried to see to the stranger's needs while conversing with an ISC officer named Kempe who wanted to recruit Berov to help find the ancient artifact called Kurtulmak's Star.

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Scales of Justice
Report Date
26 Mar 2022
Primary Location
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