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Session 30 - Fly

General Summary

In Xak-Tsoroth

  "Hold on!" Renestrae | Eladrin Celestial Warlock told the party after they boarded the Golden Dragon | Airship. The magic ornithopter leapt into the air inside the cavernous undercity of Xak-Tsaroth. Sephadex | Adult Black Dragon trembled and didn't give chase. Red | Firbolg Circle of Spores Druid and Berov | Loxodon Cleric of the Forge used healing spells on their friends as they found seats.   "Can you unlock me?" Bit | Monodrone asked Lat'num Leng | Githzerai Artificer as he inspected the mechanics of the ship. He decided that he could but now was not the time. Instead, he looked for a way to boost power and increase their flight speed.   "Draconian on the wing!" Gorgoroth Flamesbreath | Dragonborn Psi Warrior warned as the ship shuddered violently. They looked up and saw a squadron of shock troopers gliding down from the well head above them. Some of them angled towards the craft, meaning to board or to attack the wings. Others fired spells at the ship and its occupants.   Sephadex grew emboldened by the allies and took to the air. He was no longer afraid. He was angry.   "Fly Renestrae, fly!" her friends shouted. Lat'num cast defensive spells into the Celestial engine, hoping they would serve as "goodness" boosts to the Celestial magical fuel. Sephadex breathed a 60-foot stream of acid at the craft that Renestrae evaded with a tummy-turning barrel-roll.   Red spawned a peregrine falcon to deter the draconian paratroopers. One got through his defenses, knocked him down and boarded the ship. Gorgoroth grappled the hulking monster before it could attack their pilot, but struggled to yeet it out of the craft. S'thom | Grung Gloom Stalker Ranger, who had been struggling with airsickness hopped through the cabin and attacked the draconian with a series of poison-induced slaps. Berov joined Gorgoroth in the struggle to eject the terrorist and burned him with a Heat Metal spell.   Meanwhile, Sephadex closed the distance to the Golden Dragon in their climb to the well head.   From outside the craft, a draconian mage cast Enlarge at his friend and the struggle became futile. The beefy creature swelled up twice his size and filled the entire cabin. He would not fit through the door no matter how hard they pushed. S'thom continued to poison, Red slashed with his sickle and Gorgoroth choked him. The monster sputtered and flailed, his life life slowly draining from him.   "Don't kill him in the ship! We don't know what he will do when he dies," Gorgoroth warned them.   "I am not afraid to die in the service of Sephadex, are you?" The draconian used his serrated blade to slash his own throat. A burst of psychic energy from Gorgoroth slowed the blade and reduced the amount of damage the draconian inflicted upon himself, sparing the miserable creature's life.   Berov stepped back and used the wand given to him by giants of Big Spirit and dispelled the draconian's enlargement magic.   "Now you can die in the service of Sephadex." Gorgoroth shoved their opponent through the open door and scorched him with dragon's fire. The draconian died in mid-air, fell a few feet, then exploded on Sephadex's nose.   Renestrae pitched the craft straight up into the well shaft and Sephadex followed in close pursuit. "I need more power!" she prayed to Karmakriya | Ki-Rin Patron.   "I'm giving you more power!" Lat'num answered. He pulled an inefficient coupling from the main drive and the engine slowed. "You might lose power temporarily, though."   The black dragon gained on them. He was only thirty feet behind, then twenty, then ten.   Red leaned out of the doorframe and cast Entangle. A spiderweb of vines grew within the well shaft behind them and stopped Sephadex mid-flight.   Lat'num recoupled a more efficient drive train to the engine and the Golden Dragon lept out of the well with a new burst of speed. They soared over the swamp towards the mountains, leaving Orion Dragovic | Undercover Resistance Operative behind, who stared open-mouthed at their escape.  

Above Crvena Vale

  "Which way do I go?" Renestrae asked the group, scanning the horizon across Crvena Vale.   Gorgoroth warned, "Not towards the snow-capped mountains. Remember what Windrex | Adult Blue Dragon told us about the territorial white dragon who lives there."   "Avoiding the mountains," Renestrae confirmed. She banked east at the foothills.   "Sephadex is out. He's coming after us." S'thom looked around and spotted the beginning of an avalanche and what caused it. "Turn towards the mountains!"   "Are you sure?" Renestrae asked.   "Head into the spray just above the avalanche head."   "You're going to get us killed," Gorgoroth said.   Renestrae pointed the nose of the Golden Dragon at the avalanche as is rumbled down the mountain above Xak-Tsoroth. Sephedex didn't see the two-headed white dragon, Tostyn-Tostyn | White Dragons. One head missed its attack on the Golden Dragon, the other squarely hit Sephadex with a blast of frost. The black and white dragons tumbled from the sky, a ball of claws and teeth and acid and ice.   Renestrae pulled up above the avalanche mist and looked for a place to hide and rest. She decided that the Cave of the Megaterrasque would be the closest safe spot.  

In Megaterrasque Skull

  Safely inside the cave with the Golden Dragon stored inside Renestrea's necklace, the team heard voices and looked for their source. Yohan Macaw | Birdman was still complaining about the difficulty in keeping good help. Suprisingly, he was talking to a much older Archie Duthane | Human, Lizzy Randus | Human and their six year old son, Randus Duthane.   Everyone rested from their dragon battles while Lizzy told them of their time in Kylar's Domain | Feydark with Qix Fey-Branche | Archfey Patron, whom Randus called "Aunt Qiqi". Gorgoroth's friends warned Lizzy that Qix is evil, and that she stole Gorgoroth's memories.   Randus played with Lat'num and together they unlocked Bit while Lat'num shared stories of the son he once had, Mal'Num Leng | Githzerai Youth.   "You unlocked me," Bit said. Lat'num reached inside Bit's mechanical body and touched the intricate clockwork orb. A familiar time-wraping bubble grew around them, encompasing everyone in the cave. Their stomachs lurched as they fell through time and space.  

In Mechanus

  When they recovered their balance, the extended party found themselves in a factory of clockwork automatons, similar to Bit's design and construction. Everything around them, including the floor, clicked and whirred like the insides of Bit's body, but on an enormous scale.   In the middle of the room, at the center of a large arcane circle created from chalk and metallic parts, sat a young human man who studied hand-drawn diagrams.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Escaped Sephadex's lair
  • Retrieved Zeitundraum Hexabeyance.
  • Crvena Vale


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