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Session 33 - Boneyard

General Summary


  On the flight to Nanoen, their guide Zot Euan | Orc Resistance Operative taught the party card games and dice games. He also described the five districts in Nanoen, each led by a unique organization.
  The Square is the oldest part of Nanoen and was used as a caravan stop for merchants travelling through the Serpentus Rift. The Square is known for it's access to fresh water wells. The Watersprites control this region, led by someone named the Genie.
  The Boneyard sprawls across the western-most part of the city. It was originally just a debris field and junkyard but businesses have spread to this region as the population grew. The Committee control this region, led by the Vulture.
  Bulwark Road is the city center and the heart of Nanoen. When people think Nanoen, they usually picture the sights and sound in Bulwark Road. Tarverns, inns, entertainment, shopping, gambling. Lit up by fairie fire 24x7. The Corp of Cadets control this region, led by the General.
  The Undercroft is the city underneath the city. A vast network of tunnels connect the basements of Nanoen. More than a simple sewer system, the Undercroft is alive with fighting pits, invitation-only gambling halls, and entertainment of a seedier sort. Visitor are attracted to the area because it is believed to be an uncontrolled zone. Which is exactly what the Swarm wants visitors to think.
  Below the Undercroft is the Rip, a crevassee that extends down into the Underdark. Few have ever been down to the Undercroft and lived to report their findings. According to Zot, it is controlled by the Unblinking.
  Along the path, Gorgoroth Flamesbreath | Dragonborn Psi Warrior studied Erathis' Charter and Lat'num Leng | Githzerai Artificer studied Zeitundraum.

Welcome Committee

  Soon after they spotted the massive, snakelike canyon cut into the desert rock before them, a flight of four wyverns approached bearing hobgoblin riders. One of them signaled Renestrae | Eladrin Celestial Warlock to land.
  His name was Phraden Nix and he was part of the Committee. He asked them their business and wanted to know about the Golden Dragon | Airship. They told Phraden that they were rich travellers come to spend their fortunes in town, so he led them on foot to the Boneyard.


  The party found The Bone Orchard, a place to rest, refuel their bodies and try their luck at some of the games of chance that Zot had taught them. The Orchard was run by Delli Millstone, who wasn't very eager to cash out S'thom's winnings in cash. S'thom hinted that they would spend much of the 2,050 gold pieces in the area and come back to secure lodging at the Orchard.
  Meanwhile, Renestrae and Lat'num explored the Boneyard and took a tour through Final Rest, a resort / mausoleum / museum. Lat'num noticed tombstones indicating that many of the folk buried here were killed by Seethe | Red Dragon. Looking for other dragon references, Lat'num found a large crypt dedicated to Inzul Frostbite | Dragonborn Philanthropist who was killed by Vraxanault the Terrible.
  When the team regrouped, Lat'num told them what was learned at Final Rest. Gorgoroth wanted to know more about the Frostbites, so they all visited the crypt and spoke to the attendant. She told them that Inzul Frostbite's remains were brought to Nanoen but that she couldn't reveal their identity. Lat'num used his psyonic ability to read her mind and overheard her thoughts. Inzul was buried by the General, the don of the Bulwark Road district.
  They decided, against Zot's advice, to go visit the General.
Report Date
18 Dec 2022
Primary Location
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