Cantobaria System

The Cantobaria System, also referred to as the Pariah System is a small, but densely populated, and heavily industrialized system in the heart of the Pariah Sector. Owned by the State of Pariah, the Cantobaria System serves as its capital. The Cantobaria System is one of the most important systems at the edge of civilized space, given its control of a major jumpspace lane into the Pardian frontier region.

Major Celestial Bodies

Primary Star

UWP-S - 27 Tau Eta A "Cantobaria A" M3V
Cantobaria A, or Cantobaria for short, is a small, but fairly powerful Red Dwaf Star. It is fairly luminious, and can be seen by most other star systems in this sector of space, but is fair less brilliant than other, larger stars. Its size also allows a fair deal of heat to be eminated from it.

Major Orbiting Bodies

0 Pariah (Primary World)

  • 16,000 km radius, approximately 1.4 g gravity, Thick tainted atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises 32% of planet's surface
  • Population: 23,981,657,496, Tech-level 12, Type A Star Port with local Naval Base and Galactic Scout Base
  • Government: Non-Charismatic Dictatorship; Other Faction: Opus Dei Beaconists, Law Level: 7
  • Trade Codes: Hi-Hi-In-NCAP
A major world towards the frontiers of civilized space, Pariah is the sector capital of the Pariah Sector as well as being the national capital of the State of Pariah. It is an uncomfortably hot world with a poisonous atmosphere. Therefore most people live in domed cities, working in factories churning out goods for the whole of the State of Pariah. Though it is not the most technologically advanced state in the Pariah sector, it is one of the largest.
UWP-1 - Cantobaria 2938 AA93AB8-C
USSP - Cantobaria 2938 1 C
Alternative Name(s)
Pariah System
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization


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