Nueva Catalonia System

A highly developed, economically prosperous, star system at the heart of the Hawker Nebula in the wider Pariah Sector that serves as a capital of the Cincastrella Confederacy, Nueva Catalonia is one of the most advanced systems outside the Sol Sector. Nueva Catalonia is a fairly substantial hub for manufacturing, as well as the central hub of the Confederacy's Jumpgate network,. It is most famous however as being the exemplar of the most idealist form of Stelsoc ideology.

Major Celestial Bodies

Primary Star

UWP-S - 34 Omega Ceti "Neuva Catalonia" G2V
A main sequence star in the heart of the Hawker Nebula, 34 Omega Ceti, also known as Nueva Catalonia was a prime target for settlement with its composition remarkably similar to Sol itself. Nueva Catalonia is one of the brighter stars in the Hawker Nebula, and is sometimes called the Goldeneye by those in the Pardian Frontier.

Major Orbiting Bodies

0 Inner Planetoid Belt

UWP - Y-0000000

1 Tarragona

UWP - F-110269G
  • 1,820 km radius, approximately .05 g gravity, Trace atmosphere, Nonexistent hydrosphere
  • Population: 785 Tech-Level 16, Type F/B Star Port
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 9
  • Trade Codes: De-Ht-Lo-Mil
A small world with highly limited access, Tarragona is an advanced military training compound for the Cincastrella Marines, as well as the local defense forces of the Nueva Catalonia System. Tarragona maintains extensive repair and maintenance facilities as well as proving grounds for the Confederacy and is one its preeminent military bases.

2 Barcelona (Primary World)

UWP - A-867972G
  • 12,600 km radius, approximately 1g gravity, Earthlike atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises 72% of planetary surface
  • Population: 6,710,409,510, Tech-Level 16, Type A Star Port with local Naval Base and Galactic Scout Guild Waystation
  • Government: Balkanized; Factions: Commune of Eiaxemple, Stellar Industrial Federation, Autonomus Community of New Navarra, Comaposada Commune, Overall Law Level: 2
  • Trade Codes: Cp-Hi-Ht
The world of Barcelona is the capital world of the Nueva Catalonia System and the defacto capital of the Cincastrella Confederacy. Nueva Catalonia is a highly developed and economically prosperous world, and is one of the most important planets in the Confederacy. Due to the decentralized nature of power on the planet, real power is divided between a number of autonomous communes, with the Commune of Eiaxemple being the most influential, with the FSI, New Navarra and Comaposada Commune also being noteworthy communes.
2a-60 El Pratt UWP - F-267521F
  • 3,315 km radius, approximately .15 g gravity, Hydrosphere comprises 78% of planetary surface
  • Population: 853,192, Tech-Level 16, Type B/F Star Port
  • Government: Participatory E-Democracy, Law Level: 1
  • Trade Codes: Ga-Ht-Ri
El Pratt is a wealth, and beautiful resort world operated as both a relaxation point for Confederate citizens, and foreigners, and as a propaganda tool. El Pratt being presented as the prime example of an ideal Stelsoc society, and indeed it is one of the most beautiful worlds in civilized space, with an ideal, highly controlled climate, and a prosperous, happy society.

3 Outer Planetoid Belt

UWP - F-000562F
  • Planetoid Belt
  • Population 249,158, Tech-Level 15, Type B/F Star Port located on central Planetoid (Huk)
  • Government Subordinate Government, Law Level: 2
  • Trade Codes: As-Ht
Host to a small colony operated for resource extraction purposes, the Outer Planetoid belt is controlled by the FSI. For the most part these planetoids lack many valuable mineral resources, rather, the outer belt is used to gather resources used in the terraforming process. Indeed, the colony is one of the premiere centers for terraforming materials in the sector.

4 Girona

USP-2 - Small GG
4a-1 Planetary Ring UWP - Y-R000000
4b-2 Planetary Ring UWP - Y-R000000
4c-11 Reus UWP - Y-S00161G
  • 780 km, Negligible Gravity, No atmosphere, No Hydrosphere
  • Population: 82, Tech-Level 16, No Star Port
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 1
  • Trade Codes: As-Ht-Res
Home to a small research facility, Reus is a relatively quiet location. As the laws of the Nueva Catalonia System as a whole limit dangerous experiments to deep space, the research conducted here is relatively safe.
4d-25 Girona II UWP - X-1000000
4e-35 Girona III UWP - X-S000000
4f-75 Girona IV UWP - X-3200000

5 Sabadell

USP-2 - Large GG
5a-7 Sabadell I UWP - Y-4220000
5b-10 Manresa UWP - H-755160F
  • 11,186 km radius, approximately .9 gravity, Earthlike tainted atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises 57% of planetary surface
  • Population: 79, Tech-Level 15 (Late Stellar), Type H/E Star Port
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 0
  • Trade Codes: Lo-Ht
Manresa is a modest industrial facility. It's purpose, the processing of fuel for the starports of the system. It is a relatively quiet, and an peaceful station, though there are frequent stops from cargo ships moving the vast amounts of fuel processed from Sabadell into the inner system.
5c-50 Sabadell III UWP - X-400000-0
UWP-1 - N. Catalunya 2632 A867983-G
USSP - N. Catalunya G2V 6 G
Alternative Name(s)
Barcelona System, Nova Catalunya System
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization


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