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12/16/213 - Report of Walter Lefkaris

General Summary

[Report of Walter Lefkaris on 12/16/213]   We set out from Steel Industries Headquarters, our Party changed. We returned to the trail of the Cult and found signs of passage of a large group. The others spoke of a giant bone serpent. What the fuck?! It looked like a large group went first followed by a smaller group. We saw a large birdlike creature perched on a tree. It was a rather large owl that looked... dire. It tried to kill GamGam's owl. Damn. We saw creatures surveying us in the night but they did not attack. We surveyed the the land and found small ruins. Looks like a watchtower with a ballista. The watchtower was destroyed before The Plague-Death. It appeared the watchtower was attacked by siege weapons. We saw a trebuchet ball that had Archaean and Zarus markings. Both sides of the conflict appeared to be culturally Archaean. An ancient civil war, perhaps? The beasts stalking our camp returned. I can only assume they are following us. They leave in the same direction, perhaps to a den? We tracked the creatures and found their den. They were panthers. We killed the adolescents and, for some reason, captured the mother at GamGam's behest. We explored more of the Fal'ithri Woods and found a stone structure. Stigr scouted it and saw three undead creatures inside, one of which he claimed was a "Dhampyr." Whatever that is. We were tired and he insisted we retreat, so we did and left them for another day. We returned to GamGam and took the mother panther back to Gatefall.

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154 XP


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