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Archaean Empire

The Archaean Empire was a Nation located in The New World and inhabited primarily by Humans, though Dragonborn also formed a significant minority. At its height, it appears to have ruled large portions of Agrodon, including what are now the Ceefar Grasslands, Fal'ithri Woods, Mons Glauci, and Marcellan Plains. Presumably, it had some connection to the Old World's Latian Empire, as its Native Language is highly similar to Latian. The nature of this relationship, however, remains unknown.

Archaea was an absolute monarchy ruled by the Archaean Emperors, beginning with its founder, Archaeus. Once a great power with many large cities and far-flung provinces, it was brought low following a series of calamities. At one time, the Empire worshiped a Pantheon of gods, but it eventually converted to the "New Faith" of Zarus, leading to Civil War . At some point after this conflict, large portions of the Archaean populace were infected with The Plague-Death, which finally led to its collapse. Some remnants of the Empire, such as the Legio Milles and the Disciples of the Sixfold Seal still exist in its former heartland and have had limited contact with colonists from Gatefall.


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