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1/18/214 - Report of Herris Jensen

General Summary

We traveled west to cross the river at Golden Frog Crossing. Something dark and blobby killed Ma'ago's pseudodragon. Ma'ago deduced that the river must be flowing partially underground so that it's as slow and low here to cross. We fought this giant Black Ooze. It had animated Skeletons inside it. We killed it and the skeletons. One of the skeletons was a giant and likely a Bloodlick. We pressed on and got to what appears to be the borders of the Slicklick territory. We encountered a shaman who summoned two, TWO, large Slicklicks. He created one out of vines and the other turned into a black dust and vanished when it died. It swallowed Drizmo whole but we killed it. Drizmo landed an impressive blow on it. Vadim deduced that the Slicklick had summoned a demon due to the big frog's intelligence and how it vanished. We looted the shaman's necklace and wand. We found the shaman's footprints from here to where it came from. We followed the tracks and found a tangled mass of vines covering a cave that served as one of their dens. We expect them to retaliate against Gatefall for killing their shaman.   We spent the night near their cave. Drizmo said he heard them chanting in the night as if ritually preparing for war (or a hunting party). We thought it above our ability and left to continue exploring. We saw a sealed bag floating in the river which had healing herbs and tools. We continued Exploring the lake and found a ruined road and a tablet/pillar that was a signpost. We could not read it so we took a rubbing of the signpost. We press on north.   It turns out we were right. The Slicklicks sent a hunting party to ambush us in the night. We killed their leader and drove them off. Ma'ago's Skeletons shot me in the ass. Fuckers. We pressed on into the forest, continuing on the ruined road. We found a ruined watchtower. It was covered in webs and we realized it was a Giant Spider's nest. We killed the spiders and harvested 6 spider fangs with venom. This ruined watchtower was old and littered with over a hundred corpses of varying ages. The whole damn area is clearly infested with Giant Spiders... no way these six did all this. We saw a few of the webbed shapes squirming and moving.   We cut the webbing around the nearest person only to see it was a Zombie. The fucking thing bit Vadim. All the still moving humanoid figures were Zombies. We killed them and Ma'ago took 4 of them with him. I wanted to call the forest Klendathu. Ma'ago wanted to name it after his Lich. I shall refer to it and the spider's nests as Klendathu.   We also found 6x Gold Aureii, 11x Electrum Siliquae, 30x Silver Denarii, 45x Bronze Sesterces, 155x copper Nummi.   We pressed on in the woods and saw something with orange eyes staring down at us from the trees. It was a Giant Owl. We found a box buried in the ground that was locked. We'll take it back to Gamgam.   We pressed on and found a cloudy burnt area with ash falling from the sky. Ma'ago seemed to like it. It just felt wrong. We brushed away the ash and saw rusted weapons and bones. It appears there was a battle here. We examined the skulls we had and compared them with Drizmo's Slicklick skull. Ma'ago deduced the ancient race that fought here were Batrachi. I thought they were extinct. The Batrachi here had iron weapons, far more advanced than the Slicklicks and Bloodlicks used. These appeared far more advanced and ancient. We found a giant chasm that was probably full of undead. Most likely a Dungeon. We camped for the night where I bravely fought off a Panther while relieving myself. Vadim is... very large. We got back to camp.   GamGam opened the box, which had two Rhinoceros horns and a scroll. The scroll contained the schematics for an Immovable Rod. Also there was a note, which read, "For Darius, as requested."

Rewards Granted

1150 XP
Report Date
03 Mar 2023
Primary Location


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