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Dungeons are discreet locations scattered across The Wilds of The New World where a Party may face significant challenges in quick succession in return for the promise of equally significant rewards. Dungeons almost always contain Monsters, often more powerful than those which inhabit the surrounding area, along with various other obstacles. Typically, they also contain valuable Treasure and/or Resources, giving adventurers a strong incentive to brave their dangers. The archetypal Dungeon is an ancient ruin abandoned by its original creators, but this need not be the case. A Dungeon could also be a cave, a battlefield, a bandit camp, or anything in between.

Dungeons are often well-hidden and most areas of the Wilds do not contain a Dungeon at all. Player characters may run across one by accident while Exploring a new area but, more commonly, they must actively search for it. For example, Monsters living in a Dungeon may be tracked back to it after emerging to hunt, or NPCs may offer tips as to its location. Some Bounties may also require players to find a Dungeon and neutralize whatever threats lie within. Any Party which discovers a Dungeon must include the discovery in their Adventure Report, so that other players may visit the location if they wish. Monsters, Treasure, and hazards within a Dungeon do not "respawn" after players encounter them, meaning that there is generally no reason for to revisit a Dungeon once it has been completely cleared out. If, however, a Party fails to adequately deal with everything they find inside a Dungeon, they or another Party may always return to try again. A catalog of Dungeons discovered thus far and their locations is available at the List of Dungeons.


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