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Base Campaign Level

The Base Campaign Level is a minimum character level at which any player may create a new character (see Character Creation Guide), no matter how many characters they already have or what level those characters are. If a player has no existing characters in The New World, then it is the highest level at which they may create their first character. A player may always create a new character at a level lower than the Base Campaign Level if they wish.

The Base Campaign Level is currently 2. It may be raised or lowered by the GM as more of the New World is explored or new content becomes available. Its purpose is to ensure that new players, or players who must start anew because their existing characters have all perished, always have content available which is appropriate to their level and are not so far behind their peers as to not be useful on Adventures.

Thus, at any given time, all player characters in the New World will be at or above the Base Campaign Level unless a player chooses for them to remain below it. In the event a player has an existing character at a lower level, they may advance them to the Base Campaign Level anytime they complete a Long Rest.

Current Base Campaign Level: 2


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