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The New World

The New World is an unknown land consisting of at least one Continent which may be accessed from The Old World by way of the World Gate. It is, thus far, unknown whether the New World is located in a separate plane of existence from the Old or if it is simply an area of the same plane which cannot be reached by conventional means. It is lit by two Suns (the Gold Sun and the Silver Sun) during the day and by three Moons (the Grey Moon, the Red Moon, and the Brown Moon) at night. The existence of these previously undiscovered bodies in the New World's heavens, together with the fact that the New World Stars differ completely from the Old World Stars, is considered strong evidence that the two worlds exist in different planes.

The New World has not been well Explored and its size and composition are unclear, though the existence of a curved horizon indicates that it is most likely spherical in shape. While the laws of nature appear to be largely the same there as in the Old World, it differs in several key ways. Magic is generally much stronger in the New World, which is theorized to be the result of richer Mana reserves in the environment. Many Plants, animals, and Monsters have also been observed there which are thought to be extinct in the Old World, or which were previously entirely unknown. The New World is inhabited by several indigenous Races, such as Slicklicks, Harpies and, possibly, Humans, though contact with these has been sparse thus far.

The first known contact with the New World occurred in 213 AD, after an archeological expedition financed by the Atabean Trading Company unearthed the World Gate at a site in western Ifri and inadvertently activated it. The Gate was subsequently moved to its current location in Karstadt, where the city's ruling Council formed the Gatefall Company to facilitate experimentation on the artifact and exploration of the unknown lands to which it enabled passage. The Company's operations thus far have been limited to establishing a forward camp at the Gate's exit point and conducting cursory surveys of the surrounding area.
Dimensional plane
Included Locations


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