BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Character Creation Guide

Step 1: Determine Starting Character Level.

Before creating a new character, you must determine what Level they will be when they begin play. Most likely, you will want your character to start at as high a Level as possible, although this is not required. If you have no existing characters in The New World, then the maximum possible Level at which you may create a new character is equal to the Base Campaign Level (currently 1). If you already have one or more existing characters, then the maximum Level at which you may create a new character is equal to that of your current lowest-Level character minus one or the Base Campaign Level, whichever is higher.

For example, if the Base Campaign Level is 1 and you have no existing characters, then your new character must start at Level 1. If, however, you already have two existing characters, one at Level 5 and one at Level 3, then you may create a new character at Level 2, as this is one Level lower than that of your current lowest-Level character.

Step 2: Choose Race and Character Class.

Your character's Race and Class will help to define their role in the world and have a strong influence on how other characters perceive them. Your character was born in The Old World and has spent most of their life there. Nonetheless, there is a tremendous diversity of cultures and traditions to which they might belong.

You may choose from any of the following Races, all of which are native to the Old World: Human, Aasimar, Dragonborn, Dwarf, Elf, Half-Elf, Halfling, Gnome, Orc, Half-Orc, or Tiefling. See the articles on each individual Race for more information and a list of allowable Sub-Races for each.

You may choose from any Class published in official D&D material, that is: Artificer, Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard. See the articles on each individual Class for more information and a list of allowable Archetypes for each.

Step 3: Generate Ability Scores and apply racial modifiers.

Your character's six ability scores will determine their physical and mental capabilities (see You may generate them by using either the Standard Array or the Point-Buy System. To use the Standard Array, simply assign each of the six values in the array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) to one of the six abilities on your character sheet. To use the Point-Buy System, you receive 80 points, which you must then spend to buy six scores using the prices on the table below.

Attribute Score Point Cost
6 0
7 1
8 2
9 4
10 6
11 9
12 12
13 16
14 20
15 25
16 30
17 40
18 50
Once you have generated six ability scores, apply any modifiers to those scores from your character's Race. If you are creating a character of Level 4 or higher, you must also apply any Ability Score Improvements, if applicable. The maximum possible value for an ability score is 20 plus racial modifiers (e.g. a Human's maximum possible Dexterity score is 20, whereas an Elf's is 22).

Step 4: Choose Nationality, Religion, and Background.

Every character hails from one of the Old World's many Nations, and most follow a Religion as well. While neither of these choices affects your character mechanically, they will greatly influence how NPCs, and perhaps even other player characters, interact with them. Your character must also have a Background, representing their prior experiences before venturing to the New World.

You must select one choice from the List of Nations and one choice from the List of Backgrounds. If your character is a Cleric or Paladin, you must also select one choice from the List of Religions. Otherwise, choosing a Religion is optional. Note, however, that a secular character's lack of religiosity distinguishes them just as much as belonging to a Religion would. See the articles on each individual Nation and Religion for more information on each.

Step 5: Fill in secondary stats and options.

After making the previous choices, you now have all the information needed to calculate your character's Proficiency Bonus, Hit Points, Initiative Score, and Speed. Once you have done so, note which Saves your character is proficient in and choose which Skills they are proficient in from the options allowed by their Class and Background. Finally, select which Class Features and Spells you want your character to have, if applicable.

Step 6: Purchase Equipment.

No character, regardless of their skill, will survive long in the New World if they are not properly equipped. Before you can buy Equipment, however, you must determine how much Starting Gold your character has, which depends on their Class and Level. Refer to the following table to calculate how much gold you have to spend.

Character Level Monk Barbarian / Druid Sorcerer Artificer / Rogue / Warlock / Wizard Bard / Cleric / Fighter / Paladin / Ranger
1 15 GP 50 GP 75 GP 100 GP 150 GP
2 25 GP 75 GP 125 GP 200 GP 250 GP
3 50 GP 100 GP 200 GP 300 GP 400 GP
4 100 GP 200 GP 300 GP 400 GP 500 GP
5 150 GP 300 GP 400 GP 500 GP 600 GP
6 500 GP 600 GP 800 GP 1,000 GP 1,000 GP
7 1,000 GP 1,500 GP 2,000 GP 2,000 GP 2,000 GP
8 2,000 GP 3,000 GP 3,000 GP 3,000 GP 3,000 GP
9 4,000 GP 4,000 GP 4,000 GP 4,000 GP 4,000 GP
10 5,000 GP 5,000 GP 5,000 GP 5,000 GP 5,000 GP
11 6,000 GP 6,000 GP 6,000 GP 6,000 GP 6,000 GP
12 7,500 GP 7,500 GP 7,500 GP 7,500 GP 7,500 GP
13 10,000 GP 10,000 GP 10,000 GP 10,000 GP 10,000 GP
14 12,500 GP 12,500 GP 12,500 GP 12,500 GP 12,500 GP
15 15,000 GP 15,000 GP 15,000 GP 15,000 GP 15,000 GP
16 20,000 GP 20,000 GP 20,000 GP 20,000 GP 20,000 GP
17 25,000 GP 25,000 GP 25,000 GP 25,000 GP 25,000 GP
18 30,000 GP 30,000 GP 30,000 GP 30,000 GP 30,000 GP
19 40,000 GP 40,000 GP 40,000 GP 40,000 GP 40,000 GP
20 50,000 GP 50,000 GP 50,000 GP 50,000 GP 50,000 GP
Once you have calculated your Starting Gold, you may then spend it to buy any item(s) listed in the Player's Handbook or in the Equipment article. Any gold not spent remains in your character's possession. They also have any items or gold provided by their background. Finally, if you are creating your character at Level 5 or higher, they begin play with one or more magical items of your choice, as set forth in the following table.

Character Level Magical Item(s)
1-4 No magical items.
5-10 One magical item of Uncommon rarity.
11-16 One magical item of Rare rarity or two of Uncommon rarity.
17+ One magical item of Very Rare rarity, or one magical item of Rare rarity and one of Uncommon rarity, or three magical items of Uncommon rarity.

Step 7: Finalize Character Details.

Once you have purchased your character's equipment, calculate their Armor Class using their Dexterity score and the Armor value of any items they are wearing, if any. All of your character's mechanical aspects are now complete. Optionally, you may flesh them out further by giving them a moral Alignment and filling out their Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws, along with the rest of their backstory. Once you are satisfied with the final product, refer to the article on Adventuring to learn how to form or join an Adventuring Party and begin your life in the New World!

  • Not enough of the New World has been discovered yet for new characters to have their origins there. Discover new Races, Sub-Races, Class Archetypes, and Backgrounds to unlock them for play!

Steps to Creating a Character in the New World:

  1. Determine Starting Character Level.
  2. Choose Race and Character Class.
  3. Generate Ability Scores and apply racial modifiers.
  4. Choose Nationality, Background, and Religion.
  5. Fill in secondary stats.
  6. Purchase Equipment.
  7. Finalize character details.


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