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Completed - Scout the Harpy Nest in the Mountains East of Gatefall

Completed by GamgamHomashLyudmilaRanagharStigr, & Wolfram

  Reports indicate that a population of Harpies resides in the mountain range east of Gatefall. These creatures have disrupted our attempt to establish a stone quarry in the mountains and have killed at least one company employee. If a peaceful solution cannot be found, then they must be exterminated. First, however, we must locate their nest and assess their military strength.   UPDATE: The Harpies' nest has been found thanks to Nilivander, Petra, Shepherd, Sigrid, Stigr, & Walter. All that remains is to find a suitable approach and gauge the creatures' strength so we can commit sufficient force to neutralize them.   Objectives:
  • Travel to the mountains east of Gatefall.
  • Determine where the Harpies are nesting and plot a route from Gatefall to the nest.
  • Find a path to the Harpy nest suitable for use by Militia troops.
  • Estimate the number of Harpies and document any weapons or military assets available to them.
  • (Optional) Attempt to open diplomatic relations with the Harpies.
  • Return to Gatefall and submit a Report of your findings.
Reward: 100 Guilders   Posted By: Lukas Brenner, Militia Commander


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