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Gatefall Obelisk

The Gatefall Obelisk is a large monument located in Gatefall, a short distance west of the World Gate. It is constructed from the same unknown material as the Gate itself, and is assumed to have been built by the same architects, possibly the Nation of Imaskar, at some point in the distant past. The Obelisk is covered by an extensive bas relief, which provides some insight into the nature of its builders, but raises many more questions than it answers.

The Obelisk is five-sided and tapers gradually from the base to the apex, where it terminates in a five-sided pyramidion. It is approximately 123 feet tall, 12 feet wide at its base, and 6 feet wide at the bottom of the pyramidion, which comprises exactly one-twelfth of the total structure. The Obelisk's base bears an inscription, written in an unknown Language, on each side. Above these are carvings depicting various scenes, which extend up to the pyramidion. Each face of the pyramidion bears a single character from the same Language as the base inscriptions, rendered large enough to be seen from the ground. The same five symbols have been found in the ancient ruin known as Anja's Folly and branded on the Disciples of the Sixfold Seal.

Ivellios Ozdemir succeeded in translating the Obelisk's inscriptions through magical means on 9/6/213. The translated text reads: "Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. Be wise therefore, ye kings; be admonished, ye judges of the earth. Serve with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Embrace the Sons lest they be angry, and ye perish from the way, when their wrath be kindled but a little. Blessed are they who trust in the Most High."

The carved designs feature three distinct types of humanoid figures. The first appear similar to Humans and are depicted as soldiers, laborers, and, occasionally, the object of gruesome sacrifices. The second are believed to be Anakites, as they are larger and bear six fingers on each hand, as well as prominent horns on their foreheads. They are generally depicted as rulers, priests, and battlefield commanders. The last set of figures, believed to be The Sons referred to in the inscriptions, comprise six distinct individuals, all male, each of whom appears in multiple scenes throughout the carvings. They have similar features to the second type, but are even larger and bear two sets of feathered wings sprouting from their backs. Some have speculated that these are Deities or angels, as they are almost always shown bestowing knowledge to the lesser figures, defeating foes in battle, or receiving Human and animal sacrifices.
Gatefall Obelisk (Artist's Impression)
by Lyudmila Krupiński
Founding Date
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