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Firearms are a type of ranged weapon which uses explosive gunpowder to fire projectiles at high speed. They were first developed by the Rock Gnomes of Endelheim late in the Age of Reckoning, but became widespread during the Age of Discovery, eventually coming to dominate the battlefields of The Old World. Though they are less accurate and much slower to fire than bows or crossbows, Firearms are more powerful and can easily penetrate even the thickest Armor. Moreover, they are comparatively simple to use, allowing militaries to overcome their shortcomings by training large formations of soldiers to fire in unison. Most Classes are proficient with Firearms, but the Musketeer, Sniper, and Duelist Archetypes specialize particularly in their use.

Firearm Rules

  • Loading - Because of the time required to load this weapon, you can fire only one piece of Ammunition from it when you use an Action, Bonus Action, or Reaction to fire it, regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make. A weapon with the Loading X property requires X Actions to be spent reloading it after each shot before it can be fired again. Unless otherwise stated, you may not move during any turn in which you spend an Action to reload a weapon with this property. A Firearm's Loading value can be reduced to 0, but its Loading property can never be removed entirely. Any effect which would negate a Firearm's Loading property reduces its Loading value by 1 instead.

  • Penetrating - This weapon fires projectiles at such high speed that it can punch through most Armor. Damage from a weapon with the Penetrating property is not reduced if the target is wearing Medium or Heavy Armor, unless that Armor is made of Adamantine.

Simple Weapons
Cost Damage Properties
Pistol 25 GP 2d6 Piercing Ammunition (range 20/80), Light, Loading 3, Penetrating
Carbine1 40 GP 2d8 Piercing Ammunition (range 50/200), Loading 2, Penetrating, Two-Handed
Musket1,2 60 GP 2d10 Piercing Ammunition (range 75/300), Loading 2, Penetrating, Two-Handed
Bayonet3 5 GP 1d6 Piercing Finesse, Light
  1. Unless otherwise stated, this weapon cannot be reloaded while prone or mounted.
  2. Unless otherwise stated, this weapon cannot be fired while mounted.
  3. As a Bonus Action, a Bayonet may be attached to the end of a Blunderbuss, Carbine, Heavy Crossbow, Light Crossbow, Musket, or Rifle. While attached, it loses the Light property. A weapon with a Bayonet attached can still be fired, but with Disadvantage on the attack roll, and has its Loading value increased by 1. The Bayonet may be removed as a Bonus Action.

Martial Weapons
Cost Damage Properties
Blunderbuss1,2 50 GP 2d8 Piercing Ammunition (range 25/75), Loading 2, Two-Handed
Dragoon Pistol2 40 GP 2d6 Piercing Ammunition (range 15/50), Light, Loading 3
Grenade3,4 5 GP 4d6 Piercing Thrown (range 20/60)
Pocket Pistol5 75 GP 2d4 Piercing Ammunition (range 15/50), Light, Loading 3, Penetrating
Rifle1,6 100 GP 2d10 Piercing Ammunition (range 125/500), Heavy, Loading 3, Penetrating, Two-Handed
  1. Unless otherwise stated, this weapon cannot be reloaded while prone or mounted.
  2. When attacking within this weapon's first range increment, roll one additional damage die.
  3. If an attack with this weapon is successful, every creature adjacent to the target must succeed a DC-13 Dexterity save or suffer half the attack's damage. If the attack misses, the target must succeed the same save or suffer half the attack's damage.
  4. This weapon is destroyed as part of its attack.
  5. Sleight of hand checks to conceal this weapon are made with Advantage.
  6. Unless otherwise stated, this weapon cannot be fired while mounted.
Firearm Feats
Thanks to your extensive practice with various Firearms, you gain the following benefits:
  • You reduce the Loading value of Firearms with which you are proficient by 1.
  • You may move on your turn even if you spend an Action to reload a Firearm.
  • Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature does not impose Disadvantage when you make an attack roll with a ranged weapon.

Your reflexes are lightning fast and you are able to ready your weapon at a moment's notice, granting you the following benefits:
  • You may stow a Firearm, then draw another Firearm as a single object interaction.
  • When a hostile creature's movement provokes an opportunity attack from you, you may make that attack using a Hand Crossbow, Pistol, Dragoon Pistol, or Pocket Pistol. You may stow an object you are holding and/or draw the weapon used to make this attack as part of your Reaction.
  • When you make an attack with a one-handed weapon, you may use a Bonus Action to attack with a Hand Crossbow, Pistol, Dragoon Pistol, or Pocket Pistol you are holding in your other hand.


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