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2. Reunification of the Brothers

Excited and eager to learn more about their shared past, the newly reunited brothers left Rothevon and headed to the southern edge of the Ashriden Wood. According to their adoptive parents, there was a fifth brother, Tim the Enchanter, who was hidden away in the woods. Determined to find him, they journeyed through the forest, facing challenges and dangers along the way.   As they approached the edge of the woods, they were greeted by an old bugbear woman named Swaahbeefz. She confirmed their suspicions that they all shared the same father.   Touched by the revelation, the brothers were overjoyed to have found each other and their missing sibling. Tim, who had been living as a hermit in the woods, was shocked and overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of his long-lost family. Swaahbeefz, who had raised Tim, was also thrilled to see him reunited with his brothers.   After spending some time getting to know each other, the brothers decided to return to Rothevon together to look for their father. Swaahbeefz, grateful for their reunion, gave them ferry tickets to make their speed up their trip to Rothevon.  

Trans-Hingsby Ferry

The sun was just starting to set over the glistening waters of Lake Hingsby as Tim the Enchanter and his four brothers made their way onto the ferry that would take them back to Rothevon. The group had been traveling across from Ashriden Wood to Rothevon hoping to find their father. Tim was thrilled that his four lost brothers had found him, creating a strong bond as brothers.   As they settled into their seats on the ferry, Tim couldn't contain his excitement. He turned to the first person he saw and asked, 'Do you have the mark?' The mark was a symbol of the brotherhood, and Tim had been searching for it on every person they came across. The first person shook their head, and Tim moved on to the next.   As the ferry rocked gently across the sparkling blue waters, Ingatius Cogswell sat in his wheelchair, his gaze fixed on the horizon. He had always loved the feeling of being out on the open water, the fresh sea air filling his lungs and the sun warming his face. But this ferry ride was different. This time, it was a means of escape.   Ingatius looked down at his legs, the scars still visible even through the thin fabric of his pants. He had been training as an alchemist in Rothevon, using his knowledge and expertise to create potions and elixirs. However, one experiment had gone terribly wrong, leaving him without feet and permanent scars, which left him confined to a wheelchair.   Lost in his thoughts, Ingatius didn't notice the woman who had taken a seat next to him. It was only when she spoke that he snapped out of his reverie.   'Excuse me, I'm sorry but I couldn't help but notice the burns on your legs. I'm assuming it was a failed alchemy experiment?' Merva asked sympathetically.   The woman, who introduced herself as Merva Elo, explained that she was an alchemist in Rothevon and had heard about Ingatius and his unfortunate accident. She had recognized the burn marks on his legs and couldn't help but strike up a conversation.   Ingatius nodded, the memory of the accident still fresh in his mind. 'Yes, it was. I'm afraid it's left me unable to walk.'   Merva's eyes softened as she looked at Ingatius. 'I'm sorry to hear that. But perhaps I can be of some assistance. I'm always on the lookout for capable alchemists to help me with my work. If you're interested, I could use your help in rounding up some rare ingredients for my potions.'   Ingatius was taken aback by Merva's offer. He had spent the last few months feeling useless and isolated, unable to continue his work. This was a chance for him to put his skills to use once again.   With a grateful smile, Ingatius accepted Merva's offer and she handed him a list of ingredients that she needed. 'I'll compensate you for your time and efforts, of course.'   But Merva wasn't done yet. She also recommended a tinkerer named Grathgor Farwarin who could help enhance Ingatius's wheelchair with new gadgets and mechanisms. 'It'll make it easier for you to get around' she explained.   As the ferry ride came to an end, the brothers decided to go to the The Lazy Swan Tavern to celebrate and find a lead on their wayward father.  

The Lazy Swan

  The Brothers arrived at The Lazy Swan Tavern in the north-western section of Rothevon. Tim still excited to have been found by his brothers had been asking every patron he met if they had 'the mark' or if they has seen a man wearing a red beret and a beard matching their father's description. Most people gave him strange looks and brushed him off, but Tim was determined to find the truth.   As Tim made his rounds at the bar, nursing a mug of Honest Phantom Ale. Lucian made his way over to the band known as the Flock of Minstrels.   Determined to find out more, Lucian approached the band during a break. He casually mentioned his search for his brother and asked if any of them knew or saw a man with matching their father's description. To his surprise, one of the band members said they had heard of a man with that name in Oakendale.   Oakendale is a city on the eastern end of the Wrayatorain penisula on the coast of the Béal Bay. Since the Descent into Chaos, travel throughout the continent is treacherous at best with its' dangerous roads and wildlife. The thought of traveling there made Tim's heart race with excitement and fear. He wanted to find his father, but he also knew he didn't have the means to make the journey.   While Ute and Ingatius were talking to Kulgaer Shatterbrew he recommended joining the adventurer's guild. The guild paid decent wages to those who were skilled enough to escort caravans through the dangerous roads to Oakendale. Kulgaer explained that in order to join the guild in Rothevon, they would first have to prove their skills by going on a giant rat hunting expedition in the sewers beneath the city.   Sir Lesley hesitated, but Ute and the other brothers were determined to do whatever it takes to find their father. They eagerly agreed, and the brothers were immediately given Sewer Stomper boots and torches for their descent into the sewers.  

Rat Hunting

As they descended into the sewers, Ute led the way with ease, feeling at home in the underground tunnels. Ignatius, who was bound to a wheelchair, was able to join them thanks to a small boat they found to carry him and his wheelchair through the murky waters.   The first obstacle they encountered were giant rats, their sharp teeth and menacing glares a clear warning. But with quick reflexes and sharp weapons, the Brothers made quick work of them. The adrenaline pumping, they moved on with renewed enthusiasm.   As they rounded a bend, they heard footsteps in the distance. The Brothers pursued, ready for a fight. However, they were attacked by a pair of giant rats. Tim and Lucian worked together, their slinging spells and they quickly defeated the rats.   As they got closer to where the footsteps were coming from, all they found was an open manhole cover. The brothers, now a little lost in this maze of tunnels, divided into two groups. Lucian and Tim stuck together, while Sir Lesley and Ignatius continued ahead with Ute lagging behind.   But soon enough, the Brothers found themselves separated. Lucian and Tim were alone and surrounded by giant rats. The rats fought fiercely, their size and strength making it a difficult battle. In the end, Lucian and Tim were battered and exhausted, but they were able to defeat the rats.   The brothers then lost their way and Lucian and Tim found themselves alone and surronded by rats. The giant rats put up a fierce fight leaving Lucian and Tim battered. Meanwhile Sir Lesley and Ignatius soldiered ahead and were attacked by pack of giant rats. The rats took Ingatius by surprise knocking him unconsious in the first blow. Sir Lesley seeing his brother fallen flew into a rage dispatching a majority of rats before being ambushed by a sewer tendril monster. Ute finally caught up and slew the remaining giant rats and Sir Lesley made quick work of the sewer tendril monster.   Lucian pursued a runaway giant rat while Tim had discovered the corpse of a fallen would-be rat hunter. Lucian chased the rat back to Tim, where they killed the rat. Tim and Lucian reunited with the other brothers and help rouse Ignatius.   As they wandered deeper into the sewers, they came across a pack of kobolds killing a giant rat. The kobolds, known for their quick tempers and love for shiny objects, were startled by the Brothers' presence. However Lucian, who was fluent in the kobold's language of Draconian, was able to defuse the situation. He explained to the kobolds that they were there to eliminate the rats, which the kobolds saw as a nuisance as well. Satisfied, the kobolds resumed their hunt for dinner and the brothers continued on their way.  

An Unexpected Discovery

After what felt like hours of walking, the brothers stumbled upon a chamber unlike any they had seen before. In the center stood a towering statue of an armored Roniryn soldier, its sword raised high in one hand and a shield in the other. The intricate details of the statue's armor were captivating, and the brothers couldn't help but admire its craftsmanship.   What caught Tim's eye was a small oval hole on the base of the statue. It looked like it was once part of a locking mechanism, but it had been opened recently. Without hesitation, Tim knelt down and stuck his hand into the hole, feeling around for anything that might have been left behind.   As the brothers continued in the sewers they discovered a hideout, with some cots, tables maps and a chest. Sir Lesley eagerly opened the chest and found a journal, a map written in a coded dwavern rune cipher that the brothers are unable to decipher a key made of the metal azuremite, and an oval signet ring. Ingatius was able to deduce the ring was used to open the base of the statue.  
Journal Entry

The Journal details my hunt for the fabled imperial treasure trove.   -Lester Bobblerock - Treasure Hunter Extraordinaire   26 Ostara 2343 RE (Roniryn Empire)   Entry #26 Today was a momentous day. After weeks of searching, I have finally unearthed the map that points to the entrance of the fabled treasure hoard of the imperials. I found it in the base of a statue in the sewers of the Rothevon, and along with it, a heavy azuremite key.My hands trembled with excitement as I turned my ring and unlocked the statue.   After all this time, I had finally found what I had been searching for. I was sure that the map and the key were here.I look inside the compartment, and my eyes widened at the sight that greeted me. The map and the key to the treasure are now mine. I could hardly believe my luck. I had finally found the way to the legendary imperial treasure hoard. I took a few moments to take it all in before coming back to the lair. There is text written on the map, it looks like some form of dwarven that I am not familiar with, however I know a philologist that owes me a couple of favors. Chanders Olstad, last I heard he was in Oakendale.   Tomorrow, I will return to the surface and purchase equipment so we can begin the trek to Oakendale and unlock the secrets of the imperial treasure. Perhaps we can book passage with a trade caravan to Oakendale.

Rat Hunters Wanted

Rothevon Sewers is in need of giant rat hunters! The rat infestation has become out of control, and the city is in desperate need of someone to help get the problem under control.   The city has come up with a unique solution to this problem - they are offering a reward of 1 silver piece for every giant rat tail a hunter brings in. This is a great way for hunters to make a little extra money while helping the city keep its rat problem in check.   The rats in Rothevon sewers are much larger than normal rats, though they are still small enough to fit through small cracks and holes. This means that hunting them can be quite a challenge, requiring keen eyesight as well as a good amount of patience.   If you are up for the challenge, and have what it takes to be a giant rat hunter in the Rothevon Sewers, the city is ready and willing to pay you handsomely. So get your gear and start hunting! Who knows, you might just get rich enough to never have to work again.   Turn in all bounties will be paid at the city's Rat Catcher located in the Marketplace  

Sewer Tendril Monster

  The Sewer Tendrils are a freshwater cephalopod live and hunt in murky waters. They have opportunistically spread into the sewers beneath Rothevon hunting anything that enters the sewers. The tendril use stealth and surprise to attach their prey. They use there tenticles to grapple their prey and their beak to bite. When threatened the Tendril will use an ink cloud to escape. The ink glands and eyes of the sewer tendril monsters are a sought after component for alchemy.


The metal was a deep shade of blue, resembling the color of the sky just before it turned to dusk. It was stronger than steel and lighter than feathers, making it the perfect material for crafting tools and weapons. But what truly set Azuremite apart from other metals was its ability to give off a faint blue glow.


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