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Lester Bobblerocks' Journal

The Journal details my hunt for the fabled imperial treasure trove.   -Lester Bobblerock - Treasure Hunter Extraordinaire  
Entry #1
  31 Tamsane (1) 2343 RE (Roniryn Empire)   I can hardly contain my excitement as I write this journal entry. Today, I stumbled upon a lead that could potentially lead me to the greatest treasure in all of Roniryn Empire and the tomb of Darbaer Bittercoat was the key. As a treasure hunter, I have spent my entire life searching for riches beyond my wildest dreams, and I believe this could be it.   For those who are not familiar with the name, Darbaer was a renowned dwarven engineer who played a crucial role in the construction of the once magnificent city of Ronir. He was also the mastermind behind the design of the imperial quarters, including the famous vault that is said to hold unimaginable wealth. And now, after years of research and exploration, I may have finally found a way to reach it. In the archives in Andorora I found a scroll that details   My journey begins in Mythguard, a bustling city known for its bustling markets and diverse cultures. From there, I will make my way to the Dunfell River Gap, a treacherous path that leads to the heart of the Savage Mountains where Darbaer's tomb is said to be hidden. I have heard tales of many brave adventurers who have attempted this journey but never returned. But I am not one to be deterred by such legends, for the promise of riches is far too tempting.   I have already started preparing for my journey, gathering supplies and speaking to locals who may have any information that could aid me in my quest. I can feel the thrill of anticipation building up inside me, knowing that I am one step closer to my ultimate goal.   If my instincts are right, and this lead does indeed lead me to the fabled imperial treasure, it will be the find of a lifetime. I can hardly wait to set out on this adventure and see what awaits me in the depths of the mountains.   But for now, I must rest and regain my strength for the journey ahead. Tomorrow, I shall begin my trek to the Dunfell River Gap, and with any luck, I will soon be standing at the entrance of Darbaer Bittercoat's tomb.  
Entry # 9
  09 Lupercal (2) RE (Roniryn Empire)   My journey from Andorora to Mythguard was uneventful with surprising good weather, but nothing could have prepared me for what I discovered in the bustling city of Mythguard.   I arrived at the city gates just as the sun was setting over the horizon, its golden rays casting a warm glow on the polished marble walls of Mythguard. The streets were alive with the hustle and bustle of merchants and travelers, their voices filling the air with a melodic cacophony.   I made my way through the busy city and finally reached the home of my dear friend, a metallurgist named Garret. I needed to talk to him about a mysterious metal referenced in the scroll of Darbaer's tomb - iithildin, a metal I had never heard of before.   Garret welcomed me with open arms and we spent hours discussing the properties of iithildin. He told me that it was a form of mithril that had the ability to glow in the moonlight and blend in with its surroundings. I was fascinated by this metal and knew that it could hold the key to unlocking the secrets of Darbaer's tomb.   However, my visit to @Mythguard was not without its share of troubles. I soon discovered that my dear friend had become involved in the marble rebellion - a rebellion that had started due to the economic decline in the Kingdom of Wrayatora. Mythguard had been hit the hardest, and its citizens were fighting against the nobles who had imposed high taxes on them, even as they struggled to make ends meet.   As I delved deeper into the city's turmoil, I was suddenly struck by a wave of grief. Garret had been killed in a mysterious incident, and rumors were rife about the cause of his death. My heart heavy with sorrow, I knew I had to leave Mythguard immediately and continue my journey to the Dunfell River Gap.   I bid farewell to the city that had once been my home and set out towards the tomb of Darbaer Bittercoat. A chill ran down my spine as I made my way through the dark and eerie forest, my mind tormented by the thoughts of my friend's untimely death.   As a treasure hunter, I could not let my emotions get the best of me. I had to focus on my mission and uncover the secrets of the imperial treasure. The journey ahead would be treacherous, but I knew I had to press on, for the sake of my friend and the truth that lay buried within the tomb of Darbaer Bittercoat.   Until next time.  
Entry #17
  24 Lupercal (2) 2343 RE (Roniryn Empire)   The journey to the Dunfell River Gap was treacherous, to say the least. The terrain was rugged, and the weather was unforgiving, but I persevered. I had to, for the promise of the imperial treasure kept me going.   After days of trekking through the mountains, I finally arrived at the entrance of the tomb as the scroll mentioned it can only be found in moonlight, and only when the moon first rises. It was a massive stone structure, with intricate carvings and markings that I had never seen before. I could feel my heart racing with excitement as I stepped inside, my torch illuminating the dark corridors ahead.   I could hear the sound of running water in the distance, and I followed the sound until I reached a large chamber. There, in the center of the room, stood a magnificent statue of Darbaer Bittercoat, holding a Signet Ring ring carved with dwarven runes in his hand. I knew that this was my ticket to the vault.   As I picked up the ring and the hand of the statue lowered, at first I thought it was a trap but as it turns out the palm of the hand had a clue. Look in my first project for the empire and use the ring to open the statue.   Lucky for me as a treasure hunter I studied the works of ancient engineers and Darbaer Bittercoat was one that I spent ample time. I knew that his first project was designing the sewers of Rothevon.   My next stop would be back home to Rothevon where I will meet up with my associates, Valens and Grigori.      
Entry #26
  26 Ostara (3) 2343 RE (Roniryn Empire)   Today was a momentous day. After weeks of searching, I have finally unearthed the map that points to the entrance of the fabled treasure hoard of the imperials. I found it in the base of a statue in the sewers of the Rothevon, and along with it, a heavy Azuremite Key.   My hands trembled with excitement as I turned my ring and unlocked the statue. After all this time, I had finally found what I had been searching for. I was sure that the map and the key were here.   I look inside the compartment, and my eyes widened at the sight that greeted me. The map and the key to the treasure are now mine.   I could hardly believe my luck. I had finally found the way to the legendary imperial treasure hoard. I took a few moments to take it all in before coming back to the lair. There is text written on the map, it looks like some form of dwarven that I am not familiar with, however I know a philologist that owes me a couple of favors. Chanders Olstad, last I heard he was in Oakendale.   Tomorrow, I will return to the surface and purchase equipment so we can begin the trek to Oakendale and unlock the secrets of the imperial treasure. Perhaps we can book passage with a trade caravan to Oakendale.
Signet Ring
Azuremite Key


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