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Alto Clef

A major played on a Ukulele (a.k.a. Alto Clef)

Alto Clef was born to a small Tabaxi tribe in the far East. When he was young, his parents left on a journey, their wanderlust too great to stay. They left Alto in the care of one of the Tribe's elders, a mute calico called Uku Lemaro who communicated through the use of an instrument she invented called a Lele by the tribe. Alto spent many an evening dancing to the tales she strummed or sitting quietly in awe of the marvellous locations he could hear on the notes. Uku raised him well, but his parents never returned. Alto wasn't bothered by this, after all, the longer they were away, the greater their tales would be. In 3839, Uku passed away and Alto brought her to the Tribe Mother for burial. Alto took up Uku's Lele and decided he would set out in search of his parents so he could have some tales of his own. Uku had once told him that they had travelled West to find the end of the world. Alto has been travelling for close to 2 years now and has gained many a tale, but has yet to find his parents. He isn't worried though. He knows they're out there somewhere, thinking of him and the tales they can share with him. Recently he arrived in Toyuk and has seen the ocean for the first time. He has spent a week marvelling in its vastness and has decided that if there is an end to the world, it is here. He's not sure where the world will take him next, but he has found small kinship with a strange flute-playing horned man he met at the tavern he was staying at. Maybe if he follows this man, who calls himself Imp, he can hear many great tales and share his own.   While at the The Iron Cup, Drink and Diner with Imp, a man asked if Alto was willing to travel with him to Shrask. The man seemed frightened of something. Before they could fully discuss the details, a group of men came and brought Alto and a few others from the inn to the local lord, including Imp. Alto assisted the others in the defeat of a trapped spirit while at the lord's manor. In the morning, Lord Gaen told him that 2 Tabaxi had been in the town of Magrae and caused the town guard a bit of trouble.   After returning to Toyuk, Alto and the others spoke to a man named Benadon Havnar who asked them to escort him Northwards. On the way there, they plan to pass through Magrae, where Alto hopes to ask about these Tabaxi.   On the second evening of their journey, a man stood in front of the group. He started throwing little balls of fire at them. Alto charged him and engaged him in hand to hand combat. Alto's ax and fists didn't seem to impact very well and he soon learned why. When the group would not let him escape, he transformed into a spiny, barbed creature and disappeared in a puff of smoke and ash.  
Date of Birth
6th day of the 11th month, 3816 MA
Far East
Grey and black fur covers Alto's whole body
130 lbs.

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