

Arborea is one of the upper planes of existence and the divine domain of Corellon, the elven deity. The plane is known for its beauty, freedom, and passion. It is divided into three layers, with each layer being a unique and distinct realm. The first layer, Arvandor, is the shared divine realm of most of the Seldarine, the elven gods. The second layer, Aquallor, is a realm of endless oceans and infinite archipelagos, and the third layer, Mithardir, is a borderless plain of fine, chalky grit, a white desert nearly devoid of all life.


Arvandor is a realm in the first layer of Arborea, which serves as the divine realm of most of the Seldarine. The realm is a vast expanse of pristine wilderness with lush forests, mountains, streams, lakes, and an ocean called the Sparkling Sea. Due to the betrayal of Lolth and of the Primal Elves, all living beings were excommunicated from Arvandor, except for the Seldarine and some primal Fey.

The forests in Arvandor are divided into layers and possess an unearthly beauty that has influenced the plane of Arborea due to the long-term presence of elves. Meadows in Arvandor are bright and characterized by perennial flowers or blue blossoms that grow above the snow during spring. However, the beauty and passion of Arvandor can be overwhelming to non-elves, who risk becoming lost forever if they cannot resist the urge to dance and commune with the elves. Not even half-elves are immune to this effect. Overall, Arvandor is a stunning and enchanting realm that embodies the beauty and wonder of the plane of Arborea.


Aquallor, the second layer of Arborea, is a vast and endless emerald ocean that is entirely aquatic and challenging for most travelers to navigate. Despite its size, the sea is surprisingly shallow, with most areas being only three feet deep, broken up by deep trenches that lead to the undersea domains of various sea gods. The plane is characterized by titanic storms and undersea currents that can throw travelers miles off course. These sudden changes in weather are as quick as those found in Arvandor, making the plane a difficult place to navigate.

Flowing into the Emerald Sea is the River Oceanus, which connects several upper planes and is guarded by Oceanus dragons. These dragons protect travelers from evil creatures and natural hazards along the course of the river. The depths of the river are home to delphons or songsharks, mysterious singing creatures that can reveal secrets about the Oceanus or the workings of the multiverse to careful listeners. In addition to these creatures, other intelligent aquatic life inhabits the waters, including asrai, balaena, dolphins, nereids, selkies, and aquatic elves. The plane of Aquallor is a unique and challenging place, rich in both natural beauty and mysterious secrets waiting to be discovered by those brave enough to explore its waters.


Mithardir, the third layer of Arborea, was a vast, borderless plain of fine, chalky grit that was nearly devoid of all life. Its name, meaning white dust in Elven, accurately described the layer's barren, inhospitable terrain. The desert was neither hot nor particularly cold but was extremely dry and prone to lightning storms that regularly swept the desert, driving huge storms of dust ahead of them that could bury travelers alive. While the air was still, not much of the choking grit would lift off the ground, but the incessant winds could easily grind the bones of unprepared explorers to powder.

Mithardir was once a great forest and home to beings described as giants or titan-like gods, but it was now a realm known only for dust. The remains of the disintegrated domain were little more than scattered ruins of towers and tombs peeking out from the ever-shifting sand. According to Seldarine stories, Mithardir was once under the complete control of the Animal Lords before they lost the most vital parts of their realms to The Beastlands and migrated there, leaving behind only badlands.
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