
God of Metallic Dragons

Bahamut is the dragon god of wisdom, and enlightened justice. He is subservient to Tyr, the god of law, and is primarily worshiped by good and metallic dragons. Bahamut's natural form is that of a platinum dragon and he is known as Xymor. He is also the rival of Tiamat, queen of chromatic dragons.  

Typical Worshipers

Bahamut is primarily worshiped by good and metallic dragons who strive to embody his principles of justice tempered with mercy and punishment with forgiveness. He is also revered by paladins and other lawful good beings who share his commitment to upholding the principles of justice.  

Clerical Practice

The clergy of Bahamut is small but influential, primarily consisting of dragons who serve as priests and champions of the god's ideals. They often act as judges and arbiters of disputes, upholding the principles of law and justice in their communities. They are also known to aid in the defense of the weak and innocent against evil forces.  

Rituals and Prayers

The worship of Bahamut involves offerings of treasure and other valuables, which are left at the entrance of his temples. Clerics of the god often conduct services that involve meditation on the principles of justice and enlightenment, as well as prayers for protection against evil forces. They also perform rites of passage for young dragons and lead celebrations to honor Bahamut's victories over evil forces.
Divine Classification
Greater God


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